View Full Version : clear results making me feel worse

miss diagnosis
22-02-07, 12:59
I rang the clinic today cos I got some swabs done when i was getting my smear test cos of the discharge I was having. They came back clear. Now im convinced i must have cancer.What else coul be causing the discharge?
I dont get smear results back till the end of April. The Doc sais she was 99% sure I didnt have it and my cerivix and vag looked fine but im still up the wall.

22-02-07, 14:04
What makes life special is the risk, the unordered fashion of it.

We all encounter risk, this is normally good risk, we get a new job, we have a new relationship, we explore interests or travel. However, there are always some negative risks.

Miss D, you have been given good news, you highly likely to recieve the all clear in a few weeks, there is much more chance of something really good happening than you getting bad news.

If we are given good news from the doctor, we should not then look for the next worst case.

It is easier said than done, but we all have to come to terms with the risk in life or else with HA and major anxiety we have no life to speak of worth living.

take care,

22-02-07, 14:23
Great news that your swabs came back clear. I'm sure your smear results will be fine aswell. As there is nothing you can do until you do have the smear results back, try and relax in the knowledge that your Doctor said that everything looked fine.

K xx

22-02-07, 19:42
If your swabs are clear thats good, they can get a good indication from looking up there during the smear if something is not looking right.

What is your discharge like? if its not smelly and green then I wouldn't worry. My discharge is always abit yellow and I get alot during mid cycle especially. If you are not spotting during periods and after sex then im sure you are ok.


23-02-07, 02:57
What is this "discharge" like? I know a lot about this stuff. lol

23-02-07, 07:10
I get my smear results back in April too , I was told I will get a letter either way , so dont panic if you get a letter thru the door.

I had mine done in january so I dont understand why they take so long, its mad. I live in Hampshire so dont know if its just here or everywhere ?

23-02-07, 09:25
They have had a back log in our area for smears so it is taking up to 3 months for results to come through but I was told that if there was anything wrong id be contacted asap.

Its because they have changed the way they test now so there is a backlog.

miss diagnosis
23-02-07, 09:37
at least in the UK you have national screening. we dont have that over here. You have to pay €65 for a smear with the GP (apx £50). and there is still a backlog!!!