View Full Version : Having really bad luck and my anxiety is going crazy

29-12-15, 16:56
Hi all,

I really need some advice at the moment,

I have recently found out that I have a really large ovarian cyst which needs to be removed. I am having it removed on 12th Jan. I am absolutely terrified and my anxiety is at an all time high. I was admitted into hospital as I had severe pain and vomiting, It turned out that my ovary had twisted due to the cyst and I have been told this could happen again at any time.

I have no appetite, I can't sleep, I'm having nightmares, I feel like my chest is tight and I'm constantly nauseous.

I have taken 4 x 2 mg valium (on separate occasions) since I found out 3 weeks ago. I literally feel like I just want to take them all the time but A) I only have 12 of them left and I'm pretty sure I can't get another prescription and B) I'm terrified of addiction.

I used to control my anxiety through exercise but because of my cyst I can't do this.

Im getting really down and fed up. I need advice.

29-12-15, 19:02

I am so sorry you're having to go through this scary time. So, exercise is a no-no. All exercise? (Sorry I am not up on ovarian cysts so please do excuse my ignorance).x

29-12-15, 21:18
Hey there, just wanted you to know that I went through the ovarian cyst thing at the beginning of this year, January 2015. The surgery is pretty brief and I had some soreness for a couple days but wasn't too bad. My best friend also had cysts removed as well.

I have health anxiety (and OCD, etc) so I understand how you feel. Don't go looking on the internet as it will just worry you. But for now just take each day, each hour as it comes and know that it is a fairly routine surgery.

If you have any questions let me know!

29-12-15, 22:43

Yes I have been told that exercise may cause it to twist again and I never want to experience that pain again.

Jade - how long was the recovery time? Like how long before you felt yourself? Also how did you cope actually leading up to the surgery a few days before? I'm so worried that il have a panic attack in the hospital and I'm not sure if I can take Valium on the night before or day of surgery.

Thanks for your posts :)

30-12-15, 17:58
Hey there, I had 3 or 4 days of feeling pretty sore and stayed in bed. Was off work about 2 weeks and felt fine at that point. I talked to family and my best friend who had been through the same surgery, they helped to calm and reassure me. You might ask them what you can take when, I know they wouldn't let me take anything after midnight the night before.