View Full Version : MILD headaches but anxious

29-12-15, 22:35
I haven't posted in a while & ive posted for a few years over various issues, but one of the issues were MILD but annoying headaches. It began in July 2011 & went on intermittently for almost 31/2 years. Around December of 2014, it began backing down, but it starts back up again Here & there. When it first began I was freaking out over brain tumor issues but eventually realized it was due to tension/sinus combination. The thing is I get the horrible WHAT IFS. Does this happen with anyone else with anxiety? The fear of the what ifs are as bad if not worse than the physical symptoms.

30-12-15, 00:19
Yes definitely the what ifs are awful and the main reason for the panic. I too have the headaches but they are mild, but the what if it's a brain tumour fear makes it horrible!

Like the pain in my calf muscles I get worried what if it is a blood clot or my tingling what if it is Ms.

30-12-15, 07:08
Thank You for your response. I need to know its not just me who experiences this. I get like this with other symptoms too. The anxiety is horrible!