View Full Version : Lost a Dear Friend Today :(

30-12-15, 01:14
I logged onto FB this morning and saw a post that took me by surprise. Going to this friends page I found out he passed suddenly yesterday. I'm gutted!

I met John when I worked in the car business. John and I became friends and I got to know him and his wife over the time we worked together. At that time I was going through a very rough time. I had just come out of my first heart attack, had lost everything due to the financial burden of a major illness without insurance and was really in a bad place. My truck got re-possessed and things were getting worse. John drove me back and forth to work for a couple of days and then invited me for dinner. He happened to have an old Ford station wagon in the driveway and after dinner he handed me the keys and said "Here, use it as long as you need to. Just keep the tank full".

John and his wife Liz threw me a lifeline and that lifeline allowed me to get on dry land and back on my feet.

Shortly thereafter, John's wife Liz got breast cancer. I did whatever I could to help him. There wasn't much I could do but be there for him as he was for me. It was a rough road but she recovered and is a survivor.

John left the car business as did I and out lives took on different paths but we never remained out of touch. While we didn't see each other often we did stay in touch. My last correspondence was a Merry Christmas note a couple of days before the holiday. He was a Minister for teens and had a heart of gold. He touched many, many, many people including myself.

I mentioned this in another thread but I wanted to post this as a reminder that life is so fleeting. I myself have been faced with death several times. This is not meant as a trigger at all and I apologize if it stresses anyone but I really mean to use this post to remind you that life is so precious. Don't take it for granted or live it filled with worries that you have no control over. Work to live your life the best you can. Seek help for your illness... for your sake and for your family's sake. You can heal and live a full and happy life. Don't end up pondering the "What Ifs"... the chances you never took due to fear. The worst that can happen is you get a little wet but you know how to swim and there are nice warm towels in the linen closet :)

I've said this many, many times..... I have physical issues that can bury me six feet under. Many here have mental issues that do that above ground. Fight for your life. Read the quote in my signature. Seek out the things that bring your heart joy.... The rest doesn't matter.

Positive thoughts

Sam Winter
30-12-15, 01:40
i'm so sorry to hear about your friend :(
if you ever need anything just message or email me x

30-12-15, 01:40
I'm so sorry to read about the loss of your dear friend. It truly sounds like he had a heart of gold and changed so many lives. We do have to fight for our lives, because it can be taken so quickly. We only get one chance at this.

I hope you are hanging in there. Go easy on yourself and let yourself feel what you have to feel. :hugs:

30-12-15, 05:07
FMP, thank you for sharing the story of yours and John's friendship, about him, and his time in your life. As tough as it is for you now, I hope you soon are able to find peace in the gift of that time with him here.

30-12-15, 09:37
So sorry to hear about your friend, he sounds as though he was a lovely man.

30-12-15, 15:05
So sorry to hear your loss of a good friend :hugs::hugs:

30-12-15, 15:56
awwww so sorry for your loss.....


be gentle to yourself

30-12-15, 16:27
My sincere condolences. It sounds like your friend was a very good man, helping others. That's a great thing to be remembered for. Your post was a lovely tribute. I have read some of your posts and, like your friend, you help others all the time with kind words and advice. I hope you find some relief from your hurt over the holidays and find comfort from all the good memories you have of him.

Take care.

30-12-15, 16:34
Sorry to hear the news about your friend - he sounded like a good 'un. x

30-12-15, 16:35
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your good friend, Fishmanpa. Sending you hugs and thoughts.xx:hugs::hugs:

30-12-15, 17:32
I am very sorry too, FMP. Your words of advice are very apt and true.

You must be very shocked and deeply saddened

30-12-15, 18:36
Sorry for the loss of your friend. :hugs:

30-12-15, 18:39
Thank you for your kind words....

Yes, very shocked. He was just a few years older than I. Married 36 years. Emotionally rather numb actually. It just seems so surrealistic as it was so sudden. Funeral is Saturday...

Positive thoughts

30-12-15, 20:52
Wow, I'm so sorry, Fishmanpa. :bighug1:Big hugs going out to you! Your message about not taking life for granted was what I really needed to hear today. Thank you for your positive energy on this forum...it means a lot!

30-12-15, 22:49
It makes sense that you feel numb right now. You might be in shock of some sorts. When I lost my mom, I remember feeling like I was walking around in a dream or something for the first couple of weeks. It just didn't really feel real. It's normal to be feeling that way considering the magnitude of this loss. Make sure you take care of yourself, i.e. sleeping, eating, etc. It's easy for that to go by the wayside.

03-01-16, 00:00
Thank you for the kind thoughts and support. It was a very nice service. I'm glad I was able to pay my respects.

Positive thoughts