View Full Version : Really worried ct missed brain tumor

30-12-15, 03:53
I'm stephenie. I'm new to this forum and haven't been on for along time because I was able to handle my hypochondria and anxiety without it, but I'm really freaking out right now. I guess I'll start by saying I'm 11 weeks pregnant. I've had a headache in random places for over a month now some days it won't be as bad and some it's horrible it's almost always there though. I had a normal ct December 6 this year.. Here's what it said. REASON FOR EXAM: headache,


TECHNIQUE: Volumetric CT data of the brain was obtained without intravenous contrast.

COMPARISON: December 5, 2013

FINDINGS: The ventricles and sulci are normal, without hydrocephalus or significant atrophy. Septum pellucidum and third ventricle are midline. No acute infarction is evident by CT. No acute hemorrhage is present. No mass or mass effect is present. The
calvaria and soft tissues are unremarkable. The visualized paranasal sinuses are unremarkable.

But I'm still worried because I have heard they won't pick up small lesions/masses and another thing that happened the other night I woke up and had very blurry vision in my right eye and when I would look up I saw like a black spot in my vision but not when I looked forward or down. I'm just really scared I have a brain tumor and need an mri. Please help with reassurance?


---------- Post added at 03:53 ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 ----------

Please someone??

30-12-15, 04:24
Calm down your brain is perfectly normal. You need to be happy about this. If there was something wrong a CT would pick it up.

30-12-15, 10:11
Agreed withe above. Two scans a year apart, identical findings, normal. No, it didn't miss anything.

Positive thoughts

31-12-15, 02:35
Thank you for your responses I just really worry with what happened with my 20 minute vision loss I've never experienced that. I went to the doctor today and she said ct should have shown anything bg enough to cause symptoms like that, is that true?

31-12-15, 03:15
You were asleep and woke up in the middle... of course your vision would be a bit off. You have to ask yourself, would your doctor out and out lie about this?

Positive thoughts

31-12-15, 10:16
Please try not to worry about your brain.
I have often had the exact same thing with my vision if I've woken in the night, and I've also had it when I've first gone to bed and turned out the light.
I don't know if you suffer with migraine at all? I do, and I get them very occasionally but when I was between 10-14 weeks pregnant I got them loads all starting with blind spots. Whether you have migraine or not, headaches in pregnancy are really common.

07-01-16, 17:58
Thank you for your responses I'm just still so scared because I'm having the headaches everyday still and they are mostly one sided and now I'm having an off balanced dizzy feeling since last night and I don't know what that is. In trying to just remember the ct scan was normal I just keep having fear that they missed something small.

07-01-16, 18:11
It could all be due to pregnancy. Have you spoken to your ob/gyn about it? I'm also pregnant and been having one sided headaches since the first trimester, still get them in the second trimester. Dizziness is also common in pregnancy and anxiety.

07-01-16, 22:23
Yes I spoke to him and he kind of wrote me off and ignored it a little bit. He just said oh okay well try magnesium and that didn't work. I really try not to focus on it but it does bother me and I can't totally forget about it because of the pain.. Every time I tell someone "yeah I've had a headache for 2 months almost" they look at me like are you going to die?! Like it really doesn't help my anxiety so I've stopped telling people after they ask how I am. I'm just really down about it. My husband and part of my family also thinks headache is from hormones also.. Just hard to believe it can last this long this constant you know? But if it's gone on this long wouldn't something else happen or would I be getting worse?

07-01-16, 23:46
Have you changed your sleeping patterns lately? If you've changed your sleeping position you could be getting headaches and neck pains. Also if you were sleeping in a weird position with your face smooshed against your pillow or bed, it could have caused you to have weird vision for a little bit. Kind of like when you rub your eyes (with your eyelids closed of course!) and you see all sorts of weird things for a minute or two.

08-01-16, 00:31
Yeah I understand what you mean. I know it's hard not to worry about things but remember not to get TOO stressed about it. Stress is bad for baby :) PP has a point. When there's pressure added to the eyes, like using a sleeping mask, you'll have temporary bluriness (experience). Or even a dry eye will give you blurry vision for a while after waking up. Even pregnancy brings on vision changes. I think you would be getting other symptoms if it was a brain tumor. Try to relax and remember you're scan was perfect.