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22-02-07, 14:54
Can any one tell me what a full blood count looks for ?

22-02-07, 17:25
my husband has had swollen fingers on one hand for 4 weeks now and hes got his blood results today, she said they are not right and you have to see your doctor on monday. Im really concerned for him cos he asked her was it artheritis and she said no that one came back all clear.

It was a full blood count, I get health anxiety not just for myself but for those i love too,,, My mindfulness is difficult to do with this in mind.

22-02-07, 18:18
I'm no expert, but to my knowledge it looks at the red cells, white cells and measures of inflammation (ESR). It looks at the size, quantity and volume of the cells.

As he has an inflammation problem, possibly it's his ESR that's raised? But I'm not medical, this is just a guess.

How awful when they tell you to wait til Monday tho. You'll spend all weekend worrying unnecessarily. Is your hubby worried, or just you?

I too worry about EVERYONE'S health, not just mine.

Sorry I can't be more help, and I know you will worry until Monday, but try to stay as calm as you can; things are always worse than we fear.

22-02-07, 18:20
Hi Mirry,

a full blood count looks at the levels of all the different blood cells in your blood and will indicate whether you are anaemic for example. It can also sometimes show if theres an infection due to a change in the number of white cells ( these are the ones which fight infection). These are the most common things to find from a full blood count.

Hope this helps....try not to worry too much, sometimes results can be just a little off and sometimes they will repeat the test to check again. Or maybe he's just anaemic and needs some iron tablets.

Take care

Coni x

22-02-07, 19:30
I have blood counts done to check my iron every few months. It checks your white cell count, red cell count, platlets, etc............... it can pick up any problem really, if there is anything wrong in the body one of the levels will be high or low.

Hope he is ok. Let us know how he gets on.

23-02-07, 07:06
will do Cherry3, hes so calm about it so Im trying to stay calm too , After all if it was that bad he would be in hospital i would of thought ?

Amazing how the mind runs away with itself.

23-02-07, 09:26
Yes if he was that bad they would have put him in hospital so I really would not worry although I know its difficult.

24-02-07, 19:56

A full blood count is the most common blood test done. The blood is put into a machine which counts the number of red and white cells and platelets per ml of blood, it measures the size of the red cells, calculates the proportion of blood made up from red cells and measures the amount of haemoglobin in the red cells.

The test will detect abnormalities such as too few or too many platelets, too few or too many white blood cells, too many red cells or anaemia, all of which can cause feelings of ill health. There are various causes for all of these abnormalities, if your husband does have an abnormality further tests will be carried out depending on what the abnormality is.

Ah the joys of working in a hospital!

As a health anxiety sufferer myself I can honestly say, sometimes too much knowledge can be a dangerous thing:rolleyes: !

Hope this helps.

25-02-07, 08:46
On about my second blood test I was recalled because my white cell count was low!

I was scared, but I had a re-test and all was fine! I guess my body was fighting an infection at the time.

The point I make is our body is a clever machine, doctors can tell a lot via a full blood count but even if we have a abnormal reading, this could have caught our body at a bad time or in the process of doing something. :D

26-02-07, 11:24
yep, he has low white cells and has been sent for another test today, doctor said its probally nothing to worry about ......then again she doesnt know me ,lol. :p