View Full Version : Getting really tired of extra stressors!

30-12-15, 18:21
Hey everyone, just wanted to vent my frustrations at all of the extra stress life has decided to toss my way lately.

You all probably remember I had the worries about my cat, who is doing ok now. Thank goodness.

Well since Christmas I have had someone back into my car, a leak in the roof and several fence panels blown over by a bad storm we had a few days ago. Also this is a rough time of year for me anyway as it is the anniversary of losing a brother and my Mom years ago.

So, while I have been trying to be stubborn and strong & keep pushing through, a big part of me just wants to curl up in a ball and cry. Any thoughts for me to help me through all of this? Thanks

30-12-15, 20:20
I don't know what to say except that things will get better so hold on :)

31-12-15, 02:17
I'm sorry to hear you're going through a tough time. It's never fun but it's worse when it's over the holiday period.

My advice would be to practice some self soothing, which means if you feel you need to curl up into a ball and cry then do exactly that. Allow yourself to feel and know that it will pass. If you're worried that the emotions will get the better of you then set aside time to feel/grieve and then also set aside time to do something in line with your goals/values afterwards.

So watch a sad movie and cry, grab a hold of a pet if you have one and snuggle into them, write out how you're feeling, do some breathing exercises...basically anything that allows you to move into and through your emotions. Afterwards you might go for a brisk walk, reorganise your pantry, call a friend or cook a nice meal.

Hope that helps a little.

31-12-15, 16:24
Thanks you two, yeah part of me is afraid to cry - because I'm afraid I won't stop! But I know that is not possible, it is just a fear. I am trying to problem solve for the all the issues I can, like the fence, car, etc. It just feels more overwhelming because of my anxiety & OCD. I wish things would calm down a little so I can concentrate on getting back on my feet more.

And I really appreciate you both answering, it really helps to talk to you guys on here who understand anxiety.

04-01-16, 00:46
Hey there its been another rough day. Yesterday my family helped me get my fence fixed which took care of one of my recent problems. I even had less anxiety for most of the day as I was busy and focused.

Then we have today, noticed I have a small rash starting to appear on both arms. Not sure why as I haven't changed soaps or started any new meds. My health anxiety is trying to take off and run with it. l am trying not to let it.

The other thing is I just found out one of my good friends just lost his wife to cancer. I feel so bad for him, she had beat it once before and had just started chemo again. I feel bad that I'm even worried about my anxiety with what he is going through. Lately it just seems one thing after another is happening and I just start to improve and the next things hits.

Any thoughts for me to help with coping.? thanks so much.

04-01-16, 17:51
Getting pretty anxious about the funeral tomorrow. I really want to go and support my friends though. I actually have an appointment with my therapist after, so that is good. It was already scheduled prior to this. Does anyone have tips to help me cope with the services tomorrow? I've unfortunately been to a lot of funerals in my lifetime, but never during a time of anxiety like this.

05-01-16, 16:56
Hi, I hope you got through the funeral ok. I think everyone finds them hard, especially if you've lost people yourself, it brings back so many memories. It might sound silly but focus on something else, I once counted how many times people coughed in the church to keep my mind occupied. It kind of zoned me out from the actual event going on around me.


05-01-16, 22:43
Thanks Sylver, I made it through ok. I tried to concentrate on my friends around me and got through it. Was glad I went, anxiety or not.