View Full Version : Pain in neck, collar bones and jaw

30-12-15, 20:13
I am so glad that I found this forum!!

For the last 3 months+ I have been having pain along my neck and a throbbing pain in my jaw. The pain has been in the same place in the neck but has alternated sides on my jaw. I regularly check it for lumps but other than the usual veins and whatnot there is nothing unusual, however I sometimes get muscle pain when I yawn etc..

For maybe the past 4 weeks the throbbing has moved to my collar bones too. None of this pain is constant and I notice it is usually towards the end of the day.

I have been really concerned about this and even went to my local walk in center to get my neck/collar bones checked but they found nothing unusual.

I keep trying to not think about it but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar?

I have also been experiencing on and off, a strange tingling/burning sensation inside one of my ears and sometimes it spreads to that side of my head. This is on the same side as the sore neck etc..

Maybe I just have a crazy ear infection, I don't know! But it's driving me crazy and I don't know if a doctor will just laugh me out of the office.

31-12-15, 00:18
Hi Teysa,

First things first, go see your doctor and have a chat. It's what they're there for and there is no shame in getting yourself checked.

I also just wanted to let you know that I've had very similar pain in my neck, jaw and shoulders and it was caused by TMJ (grinding my teeth at night), which was caused by stress. Regular exercise and massage can really help this kind of pain.

31-12-15, 10:55
I have a heap of issues with my neck and jaw also and I was told by my Dr that it's caused by tmj. I also have a slightly asymmetric face from having tmj on one side.