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View Full Version : Health worrying of leukemia or cancer

31-12-15, 12:31
Alright, I guess you could say it's my hypochondriac side kicking in! I am 15 years old as well- I think I had a mild respiratory infection. Started with itchy throat, sinus 'infection', and cough with mucus. The mucus in my right nostril is green and earlier I blew out some darker-colored, which seemed to be blood! I also do have asthma, if that could also be a cause! I have been noticing tiny red dots on my knee, finger, and that's just about it. Also some tiny black spots here and there, and I am terrified this is skin cancer! But of course, I had to go search pictures of moles and thought some of mine looked like those moles of melanoma.

For what I think is 'leukemia', I do frequently experience sweating, easily bruise, have fatigue, and my right hip has been hurting for a while. But I do tend to sit 'criss-cross' style alot while holding my laptop, and I am thinking this is an effect of said undiagnosed leukemia. I had blood tests done a while back and everything came back normal, haven't gone back since. I also see these darker lines on my knees, much similar to those veins you see in arms. I also have these bumps on the back of my arm and down towards my elbow and upper arms....they don't itch, but they do bug me. I tend to think they could also apparently be some skin condition, like allergies?

31-12-15, 16:37
It's really unlikely that you'll have cancer at 15

01-01-16, 01:17
Even though leukemia is one of the most common teenage cancers, teenage cancer as a whole is EXTREMELY unlikely, and those symptoms are symptoms of many many many common things, especially with teenagers. If you're a female, the easy bruising is quite common with young girls as lack of iron helps with easy bruising and lack of iron is easy for female girls as menstruation removes iron. I had the same as you, thought I had leukemia, had this weird purple dot rash thing appearing on my thighs and bruises on my knees. Red dots on my upper arms too. Blood test came out clear. (I'm 17)

Fatigue is honestly one symptom that you should never attribute to cancer because as far as I'm concerned, it's a symptom of every disease under the sun and cancer is an unlikely cause, and especially it's a symptom of anxiety. It could be allergies. Go see your GP because this does sound like something you should see your GP for, me saying that doesn't mean it's serious though.

03-01-16, 18:41
You're 15, so cancer is very very unlikely.

Having said that, I'm 17 and I'm currently worrying about oesophagus cancer, so I know how it feels to worry. From a logical point of view, I see no reason why you should have cancer, as the symptoms you are displaying are symptoms of multiple other minor conditions and ailments (particularly the mucus and stuff).

How long ago did you have the blood tests?

Hope you're feeling better! :)

22-04-16, 00:52
Even though leukemia is one of the most common teenage cancers, teenage cancer as a whole is EXTREMELY unlikely, and those symptoms are symptoms of many many many common things, especially with teenagers. If you're a female, the easy bruising is quite common with young girls as lack of iron helps with easy bruising and lack of iron is easy for female girls as menstruation removes iron. I had the same as you, thought I had leukemia, had this weird purple dot rash thing appearing on my thighs and bruises on my knees. Red dots on my upper arms too. Blood test came out clear. (I'm 17)

Fatigue is honestly one symptom that you should never attribute to cancer because as far as I'm concerned, it's a symptom of every disease under the sun and cancer is an unlikely cause, and especially it's a symptom of anxiety. It could be allergies. Go see your GP because this does sound like something you should see your GP for, me saying that doesn't mean it's serious though.

Red dots are Keratosis pilaris I have that and it is perfectly normal and very common. Kinda like eczema