View Full Version : New Years eve

31-12-15, 14:23
Hello all!

I don't think anyone else has posted yet about New Years (apologies if I've missed it).

Personally, New Year's Eve is scarier than Christmas Day. I'm going to a friends party and I know everyone will be getting drunk and having a fab time. I'm not sure whether I'll be happy drinking but I really hope I get through the night without any panicky moments.

What are other people doing/not doing tonight?

31-12-15, 14:27
Pregnant here so can't drink anyway but I didn't last year either went to bed at 10!

Just having a night in with buffet style food with my boyfriend. Probably play a board game/video games. Gosh I sound old don't I.

Hope your night is good and happy new year to you and everyone else who posts on he :)

31-12-15, 14:40
I'm very anxious about NYE this year. We are having friends over who drink a lot. I wish we were going out instead so I could have an escape, but not if it's at my house! One of our friend's has a fiance who can be rude too. She has made comments about me being antisocial because I tend to take space outside at parties when I get overwhelmed - just for like 5 minutes, not the whole party. So I'm pretty anxious.

What isn't helping matters is my husband was supposed to be home from his business trip last night to help me get ready with cooking and cleaning, decorating, etc. But his flight got cancelled and he won't be back until 8 PM today - the same time guests are arriving. So that's left a lot of the prep work to me alone. I know it's not his fault, so I'm trying to stay calm so he doesn't feel guilty. But I am getting worked up about it.

31-12-15, 15:01
To drink or not to drink...that is the question. Myself and Mrs Fish will be here, anxiety is bubbling right now. I really really cannot wait for dull,boring and lovely mid-January!!

swgrl09 - your friend's fiance is an ass, tell her that from me if you like :hugs:

31-12-15, 15:06
i'm ordering some chinese takeaway food, and that's all.

i'll probably end up watching the countdown (not because it's anything special to me,) but because i'll be so bored i'll just naturally end up watching it

31-12-15, 15:11
A take away for me too and watching the start of game of thrones season 5.....oh and some strawberry cheesecake icecream for dessert
Healthy eating starts Monday :)

Sam Winter
31-12-15, 15:38
its understandable that you'll be scared, my family is just having a party nothing big but its still scary for me personally, my biggest fear is something you need everyday so that sucks lol, new years is worse for me then christmas because its the end of the year and i just always fear something bad happening lol

31-12-15, 16:11
I was about to start a thread about this. I have been feeling nervous since before i woke up. Had unsettling, vivid nightmares last night which i know must mean something. I just had a massive panic when my partners brother and his family popped round and had to go upstairs to lie down as i felt so sick and dizzy. My partner and I have a friends party to go to tonight but i feel nervous about that too. I feel i need to be in control of everthing or my anxiety is worse so the thought of a new year where anything could happen scares me and also the reminder that time is passing and that is out of my control. I know..i sound crazy. :/

---------- Post added at 16:11 ---------- Previous post was at 16:09 ----------

Previous years my partner and I have avoided NYE parties and get togethers and had takeaway, movie and games night, just us two. Wish i could do that this year but we couldn't get out of this party. :(

31-12-15, 16:39
Being a musician, in years past, NYE was the big gig of the year, the best $$$ too. The last NYE gig I did was 20 years ago. I haven't done one since. After all those years watching others make fools of themselves, I much prefer to be home, safe and sound with no real fan-fare. It's just another day ;)

Since I can only have "a" beer now and again due to med interactions, tonight will be such an occasion. I have a pint of a real fine espresso porter and the wife and I are making dinner together. Then some "Netflix and chill" ;) and probably asleep not much after midnight if we make it that far ~lol~

Positive thoughts

31-12-15, 16:42
Randara - fair play to you for still attending a party.....it is hard to do sometimes crazy social things with GAD.

I am having a quiet night in with my parents and sister with some nice buffet food and tv. I HATE New Year's Eve. It is no event for me as I just look back at another pretty uneventful year, and see no hope for the year ahead. I just find it depressing and the same old, same old.

I know that sounds miserable, but I can't help it!

I do like to watch the fireworks on tv though - I think we are doing it pretty well here in London these days.

Wishing you a lovely time, Randara, and everyone here on NMP a Happy and Healthy 2016.xxxx:hugs::hugs:

31-12-15, 17:10
That sounds so lovely fishmanpa, enjoy your evening!

31-12-15, 18:29
It may sound miserable debs but its the truth for a lot of us. Most people with anxiety disorders take each day as it comes but new year tends to make us dwell on the future.

I should think like our two dogs. For them its just another winter night

31-12-15, 19:06
Fishman65 - thanks for your support :) I know, it's just ridiculous. She's a big drinker and says stupid things so I try to just blame it on that.

01-01-16, 03:13
Thought I would update, tonight has been surprisingly better than expected. I was feeling a bit anxious to begin with, my tummy wasn't feeling right and I was obviously jumping to conclusions that something was horribly wrong. But now I'm fine, not sure why but just enjoying it!

I hope you've all had a lovely evening, and that it hasn't been too stressful for you x

01-01-16, 04:49
It is no event for me as I just look back at another pretty uneventful year, and see no hope for the year ahead. I just find it depressing and the same old, same old.

Before my anxiety it was only another excuse to go and get bladdered. IT had no significance to anyone I knew.

Thesedays it's just the same. I have been like you are but now I try not to look back anymore. When I used to do that it just depressed me as entire years have been lost to anxiety and any clue to my old life is long dead & buried (friends gone, career over & no chance of revival, no family of my own & running out of time for one, etc)

So, happy Friday!!!