View Full Version : Dizziness during period???

31-12-15, 18:32
Hi everyone- this question is for the women (sorry guys :) )
Have you ever experienced extreme dizziness before and during your period? For the last 3-4 months I have become very dizzy during this time- especially when riding in elevators, or anything moving. Never had this before and blood work a few months ago was normal. Haven't mentioned it to my doctor before, but what could be causing this dizziness during my cycle? I'm concerned as I am out of town and doing a lot of walking and movement this week! I feel awful! Thanks!!

31-12-15, 19:07
Loss of blood can cause dizziness. Could it be that? I have had dizziness occasionally during my period.

Sam Winter
31-12-15, 19:17
i regularly get dizziness on my period i'm gonna agree with loss of blood as mine get heavy so i lose alot but it can also cause it for no reason as it makes you a little queasy

31-12-15, 19:55
Well yesterday I had barely even started, so i don't think it was from blood loss... It typically goes away towards the end of my period

Sam Winter
01-01-16, 01:50
yeah then its just overall fatique, i get it everytime lol