View Full Version : Intrusive thoughts bugging me again

31-12-15, 20:28
Hey everyone, wasn't sure to put this under OCD or Depression. Having a rough time today, I'm at work but my mind is anywhere but. I actually slept better last night which was a blessing but my anxiety and depression have been up, I have had 2 rounds of crying in the restroom.

I mentioned in another thread about outside stressors like my car getting hit and fence panels blown over. I'm trying to work on getting all these things fixed and it is overwhelming me I think.

Also, I am just frustrated with the anxiety/intrusive thoughts and depression. I keep wondering why I am not better than I am by now. This started 8 months ago and I know there are those who have suffered for years. I am truly sympathetic for anyone who is in this situation and would like to help if I could. I think I'm most afraid of never getting better or being stuck where I'm at. It feels like anxiety has sucked all the joy out of my life and has taken the person who I used to be.

I just feel so lost sometimes and alone, I do have family & friends to support me. But I have been afraid to tell them of much the past 3 months. I don't want to worry them, as I was getting better and then kind went backwards to some extent. I just want some hope that it will get better, sometimes I just want a hug and to know someone is there no matter what. It just feels like I'm facing an uphill battle without anyone there to catch me.

01-01-16, 06:12
You are one of the many as I bet you know. We all go through these stages where the negative thinking takes over. Mood takes a hit and then the tears start. I've been there many times.

When it comes to environmental stressors, we can't often avoid them so we need to break them down into smaller goals and concentrate on them a bit at a time so that we don't become overwhelmed by them. This can be very hard at first as your mind wants to always think about everything so take it out of your mind and get down on paper. This can help because it becomes part of the physical world to you and rather than think of solutions and then find your mind kicking the whole process off again, hence more worry over longer periods than you need to experience, you may find closure easier.

I've done this when I'm pretty worked up and found it can help.

01-01-16, 08:18
Hug! :hugs:

01-01-16, 16:12

Time to recovery varies on the person, don't think about the time it takes but the progress you made this 8 months you will see that you are not the same person from 8 months ago.

Anxiety is a response every single person in this world has to stressful situations, some of us experience it as an anxiety disorder others as a heart attack and others as another thing. I guess I would pick my GAD all the way hahah the key to recovery its reacting better to stress and ignoring random weird thoughts as they are just that.

Remember focus on who you are now and the progress you made, write in the forum more often if you need it.


02-01-16, 16:40
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate you answering. I think right now my problem is being scared of the anxiety itself. I know that just creates a bad cycle, any thoughts on how to tackle it?

03-01-16, 07:54

I think you stop trying to tackle it. That's part of the rumination and obsession cycle. Welcome it, let it be there and live despite it. If you keep picking at the scab it never heals. I know this is true for me so I wonder if it is for you too.

Are you doing anything enjoyable with your days? Sounds like one long grind at the moment. Make sure you schedule one nice thing in every day, regardless of the lack of pleasure you might feel doing it at the moment. Once you start to find little moments of peace you will find your way back to you again.

04-01-16, 15:59
Thanks for the response Winduptoy. That's what I having trouble with accepting/welcoming or something like that. I am scared of the anxiety, both because it makes me feel bad and because of the intrusive thoughts. When my anxiety is up the thoughts are up. And to be honest some of my intrusive thoughts still really scare me.

It is true I find little enjoyment in my days, sometimes I will catch some moments here and there, get lost in a tv show, visiting a friend, talking to family. Evenings are easiet, but in the mornings the anxiety is higher again and I start the worry cycle all over again.

04-01-16, 18:23
Hey jaded,

I read about this a lot as it is the same for me, anxiety gets higher for some of us at night when all the stress of the day sinks in.

Regarding tips I have some, learn what relaxes you. For me its a hot shower after some exercise (Exercise its great to reduce anxiety).
Remember if you find out how to relax you will be able to ignore intrusive thoughts better and better, then the anxious path for thoughts will slowly fade away.

It takes time man, but you will get there, learning to ignore intrusive thoughts as they are just that will work like a charm, when I get them, I use a logical response, only if I need it and only just once and I practice a deep breathing techinque that works for me (3 seconds inhaling letting the air get in the belly, 5 seconds retaining the air and 8 seconds exhaling slowly through the mouth) sometimes repeating this 3 times or less does the trick

All the best,


05-01-16, 22:51
Thanks Tom, that's what my therapist says is to remember they are only thoughts - to just let them go on by. I'm working on it, not quite there yet.. sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. Yeah, I'm looking for more ways to relax, watching a favorite movie or reading a book helps. Also being with family & friends.

06-01-16, 21:21
Being around the people you love its always a good thing to reduce anxiety, we all have our rainy days and our sunny days. When you are relaxed intrusive thoughts don't happen then you can conclude that they are just that, anxious thoughts. You will get better everyday, listen to your body and learn from it.


07-01-16, 10:23
Hey jade,

I'm feeling exactly the same as you at the moment, so you are not alone.

Anxiety and depression terrifies me and so do the thoughts that come with it. I find it realy hard to accept the scary thoughts and it gets me realy down and so the cycle continues. My relapse started the beginning of November and I am still struggling now. Mornings and early evenings are the worst for me, I am currently lying in bed after being awake for 2 hours and got no motivation to get up and face the day. I was supposed to be in work 10 mins ago! I am going to get up and go in just going to be very late.

It's horrible feeling like this. I just want to sleep and wake up when I am feeling better, if only..

08-01-16, 15:37
Hey Scared, yeah it's really rough at the moment. Today is my birthday and I woke up to lots of anxiety and tons of intrusive thoughts. I cried driving in to work, on a day I should be happy and I'm dealing with this. Mornings are usually the worse for me, once I get to evenings I calm down a little. Unfortunately I've been dealing with this since last May, though I did have a month or so in August when I did better.

I know what you mean, wanting to wake up and feel better.

10-02-16, 17:07
Ok, have had ups and downs with the intrusive thoughts since I last posted on this thread. Yesterday and today have had one that really bugged me.... different from others in wording but same gist of self harm. Whenever these things switch (not the same old ones) it always seems to throw me. Any advice? Thanks guys.

10-02-16, 18:29
Hey there,

I find when my anxiety/OCD switches theme that in some ways it can be helpful. Because, if it can 'jump ship' like that, then it can't be real - it helps to be able to see it for the tic that it is.

Don't know if that's helpful but did want to let you know you're not alone and offer some encouragement! I hope you have a good day tomorrow.


12-02-16, 09:38
Hey there,

I find when my anxiety/OCD switches theme that in some ways it can be helpful. Because, if it can 'jump ship' like that, then it can't be real - it helps to be able to see it for the tic that it is.

Don't know if that's helpful but did want to let you know you're not alone and offer some encouragement! I hope you have a good day tomorrow.


That's an interesting way to look at it, use it as evidence against itself.

12-02-16, 15:05
It's like sometimes I kind of feel the way I used to before I felt really bad. And my mind is trying to work out weather I was "normal" back then or not
I'm very confused and just need some help