View Full Version : pvcs 5 a minute really stressed out about it late night last night.

01-01-16, 12:22
HI there
I had a new years eve party at my house last night. I currently have atrial fibrillation and I am on betablockers and a blood thinner for it. I went to bed at 3am and got up at 930am I had a lot of carbonated drinks last night and probably quite a bit of sugar. I didnt have any tea before guests came and I spent all day rushing about. I dont drink alcohol. I got up this morning and I noticed I was having either AF or up to 5 pvcs a minute and it has freaked me out. I feel really tired. Blood sugar is fine at 8.2 so either I am in AF but my rate is normal it is 78 beats a minute. Could tiredness cause as many pvcs as 5 a minute. I am only aware of them when I check my pulse I dont feel them in my chest like I sometimes do. doctor says I am on right medication the rate is fine and I am not going to get a clot but how do I stop myself checking my pulse.