View Full Version : What's with drinking????

01-01-16, 15:32
Hey all,
Happy New Year first of all.

My issue is that I'm 40 years old and happily married and did the gping clubbing, crazy thing for years. We've both now stopped and enjoy staying in with our 2 cats and puppy.

However, I have a constant, ongoing issue based mainly on Facebook that makes me feel like I should be going out more and being more sociable. For new years eve we stayed in and snuggled up, family were over all day. However, looking at Facebook today makes me feel like I'm missing out.

It's how I validate myself, not that I want to be going out. We occasionally go out and do get offers. We go camping throughout the year and do fun things together. But whenever I see groups of friends, I always feel like we're loners and get a heavy feeling in my chest.

What is this about? Im about to finish a degree and having trained as an actress want to do well with I this year. Whilst my friends have bee drinking constantly, I've been looking after myself and I think we look quite different as a result. I do enjoy myself and have a few drinks - don't get me wrong here - but I don't go crazy anymore. My career is too important to me and I don't enjoy it all. People only seem to want to drink and I struggle to relate to this anymore. It definitely makes you less popular as a non binge drinker!

Anyway, I'm very ambitious and I'm guessing that in a few years ill look at everyone around me and be glad I'm where I am. They just drink constantly.

So why do I judge my success presently on the amount of friends I have (or don't have)? I have to stop this as it's unhelpful behaviour.

Please help. It's crippling.

01-01-16, 15:43
Frankly it sounds like you're far better off than your libation guzzling friends. Perhaps it's the unrealistic perception of social media that's given you this impression?

I'm of the opinion that FB is just that... a "face" that someone wants to portray. Unless you are in close contact with these "friends", how do you know? Frankly, a bunch of folks in their 40's constantly going out and partying doesn't sound so appealing. I like the idea of snuggling at home with your significant other and fur babies :)

Positive thoughts

01-01-16, 16:03
Thank you. I think you're absolutely right. I just wish I could stop berating myself for it. Why do I feel the need to feel popular?