View Full Version : Aching?

01-01-16, 15:43
Does anyone get aching in there thighs and backs of legs I have that tension feeling that I had in my back in legs and thighs and yesterday when I was at a party I thought my legs were gonna collapse? Can I put that down to anxiety or have I some type of infection in leg?

01-01-16, 15:58
Katy how about we look at some other possible reasons

You have been walking more than normal?
You were at a party, standing in high heels perhaps?

Some simple and easy to use CBT techniques would probably help you deal with your HA a bit better.

Not every ache and pain has a sinister reason, sometimes we just hurt. Its the HA that makes you think that there is something serious wrong.

Hope you enjoyed the wedding.

Sorry with so many separate posts I forget what has already been said. Is there any chance of you adding to your original posts?