View Full Version : Anxiety causing symptoms of diabetes

01-01-16, 16:43
Well.. googling symptoms isnt a good idea when having anxiety issues.

So guys.. half a year ago I went to my family doctor, worrying i have diabetes type 2, having all the symptoms, excessive thirst, blurry vision, frequent urination.. literally everything that there is. ..After getting my blood test done, i was told by my doctor that my blood is normal and i shouldn't worry about it.

...since then symptoms faded, or maybe i wasn't paying attention to them. I was partying, eating what i want, doing what i want and felt energetic and happy ..Recently (week ago) i had a flu, bit of a temperature and caught.. yesterday I've noticed that im really thirsty, and of course magically within few hours all the symptoms of diabetes came back?! So now im thinking, is it anxiety again?! or do i really have diabetes ..funny right? Stupid me goes on internet and searches if its possible to be wrongly diagnosed with the diabetes... turns out you surly can.. so then i started to notice even more symptoms, cold feet and hands, cold sweating, tiredness, feeling confused.. ...i mean seriously? half of me knows its all in my head but it seems so real. Now i really think i could been wrongly diagnosed.

Please someone tell me its all in my head, im sure diabetes don't just come and go whenever? Because I did feel absolutely fine during these 6 months and surly something would happen during that time?.

During my flu i haven't eaten much, or moved.
I'm 20, 75kg, muscular, 183cm/6ft.

01-01-16, 16:48
My sister is insulin dependent diabetic. The two biggest indicators for her diagnosis was extreme thirst and by extreme I mean drinking a 2 litre bottle of water and still being thirsty and dramatic weight loss.
The symptoms wouldn't come and go.

01-01-16, 16:52
I have the exact same issue. It is TMS in my opinion. I have developed a fear of diabetes from not eating great and then the symptoms start. Low blood sugar mimics panic attack (or the reverse) and I despatately looking for something to eat. When 15 minutes goes by and symptoms start to go away I have reinforced the low blood sugar myth. I am working on this but when you are in the middle of it very hard to not eat something.

01-01-16, 17:08
Thank you for the reply guys!

I mean, i would imagine the symptoms get worst over time and not fade away. This wasn't the case.

I'm dealing with anxiety since I was a kid, in my life I though I had heart problem, brain cancer, kidney failure.. and every time i turned out to be healthy. ..thing is that in the moment it seems so real that its so hard just to say, oh well its anxiety i shouldn't worry.

...Will regular health check rule out every illness? I might just get it done and not worry at all from that point.