View Full Version : Help with MS fears...

01-01-16, 17:47
Hey guys, HA is flaring up a little bit at the minute - wondering if someone can help me out. I've convinced myself I have MS...why? Well, I have pins and needles that comes and goes, occasional pricks in my foot etc. (The pricks aren't frequent) - that's pretty much it, what freaked me out was I got a prick for like a second in my foot when in the shower. I've read statistics for MS and only 2 and a half million people in the world are diagnosed so that eases me somewhat. I know it's ridiculous and I guess I just need someone to tell me to shut up and stop being so ridiculous, it was a spinal tumour last week and MS now! The thing is, the pins and needles aren't even there all that often - they come and go, and I think me focusing on them and sort of almost waiting for them to come isn't at all helping

01-01-16, 18:08
Think you have summed it up yourself.

You are focusing too much on twinges and immediately going to the worst case imaginable.

It might be worth starting a diary of your symptoms and what you feel they show.

01-01-16, 18:21
I did that, it's an ever growing list haha

01-01-16, 18:22
Well you know what they say "practice makes perfect" lol

02-01-16, 00:12
Nothing there to indicate ms do id try chill. Even if you or anyone else did get diasnosed with ms it would be one of the better ones to get as there is massive amounts of research going on and they're getting very close to figuring it out X

03-01-16, 20:28
If you get them here and there it could just be your back needing an adjustment. I used to get those a TON and yes I thought I had MS. Really it was just my Anxiety cause my facial numbness and heavy headed feeling but I also had a slight pinched nerve in my lower back that was causing some pins and needles under my foot. After a couple of adjustments I was all good to go. If you get a little more maybe worth getting some adjustments done if you're not afraid of the chiropractor breaking you in half like I was at first, haha. You'll be fine dude.