View Full Version : Overwhelmed

01-01-16, 18:19
I went pretty much all of 2015 with no HA and now it's back. I'm convinced I have either breast or ovarian cancer, or both. I had burning pain in my left breast earlier (and have had underarm pain for as long as I can remember) and all google could tell me was cancer (I know, don't google). I've had pain in my left ovary/groin/leg for a good year now. I'm really worried as I read an article about a 20 year old with ovarian cancer who ignored her rather mild symptoms and then it was too late.
I feel like I've had such a good year and this is all going to ruin it, I'll have to have chemo, all my hair will come out, my boyfriend will leave me and I'll die way too young, with no life achievements.

I live in Paris, so I have to use the health system in another language and it costs a fortune. On top I have to combat fears of terrorism, financial worries, and trying writing a dissertation, plus work. All I want to do is lie in bed and cry.