View Full Version : Abnormality on ultrasound - going out of my mind with worry

01-01-16, 20:37
Hi everyone,
I'm new to the site so I hope I've posted in the right place.

I'll try and give you a bit of background without waffling on too long!

I'm 42 and female and have had HA on and off for years, triggered by a variety of things. It's got worse since I had a baby 19 months ago - it was very traumatic and left me with bladder problems. I also have Gerd and take nexium tablets for this.

The last few months I've been having lots of symptoms such as on/off extreme fatigue- the type where lying down doesn't help and I can barely walk. Also a bit breathless and aching everywhere. I've also had occasional night attacks where I have an awful pain between my shoulder blades that radiates through to my front and lasts for hours- nothing seems to touch it and it's worse when lying down.

Because of the above symptoms my GP sent me for a chest X-Ray and abdominal u/s. Had my X Ray a few weeks ago but had my u/s first thing on 30/12. Sonographer said everything looked OK and my results would be with GP in a week. BUT yesterday at 5pm (31/12) I got a call from doctor's surgery receptionist telling me that the u/s was abnormal and she gave me a phone apt for Monday (4th Jan) at 5pm.

Am worried sick now that something bad has shown up. I've barely eaten since she called and am getting myself into a right state.

I keep trying to tell myself that if it was that bad I'd have to see the dr face to face and it would be first thing...not the evening.

I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance because Monday is so far away at the moment.:weep:

Thank you

01-01-16, 22:20
I really feel for you hun, waiting is horrible, especially when anxious.
I do agree with you though, if it was something terrible, I'm sure they wouldn't tell you that over the phone.
I can't help you medically, what I can say though is all the worrying in the world won't change the outcome of Monday, if you're not eating or getting enough rest, that will make things worse for you and most likely increase your anxiety.
The unknown is what most of you fear, but in your case, given the sonographer thought everything was normal and your doc has not wanted to see you, I would think from that, that it's something milder than what you're probably thinking right now.
You can have an abnormal blood result, the range of abnormalities can be from severe to mild anaemia, but all in between would be classed as an abnormality.
Keep us updated and try to get at least some soup in your stomach.

01-01-16, 23:06
Thanks for your reply Traceypo,
I really appreciate it. I hope you're right. I just I could've spoken to a dr then and there - waiting so long is just a nightmare :weep:

03-01-16, 18:37
I hope you are feeling better as the appointment nears.

An abnormality is pretty vague, it could be anything. As you have anxiety, you fear the worst straight away and catastrophise. I'm sure that if the "abnormality" was really bad, the doctor would have told you to go to hospital straight away.

Try to line your stomach with soup or something similar, you'll find out soon enough and then you can tackle whatever it is when it happens.

Hope you feel better soon! :)

03-01-16, 19:02
Try not to worry - I had an ultrasound a few months ago and the results were abnormal, turns out that all it was were cysts - which sure, they're abnormal - but they're also almost entirely harmless (save for exceptional circumstances which can easily be dealt with)

03-01-16, 19:31
Thanks guys, your replies do help.
I'm trying to keep myself busy with my little girl but a thousand bad scenarios and analysis of the situation is going through my mind.

I guess this time tomorrow I'll be put out of my misery X

03-01-16, 19:36
I dunno how it works with your GP, but when I got my ultrasound results back I just called up and they gave me them over the phone, I didn't have an appointment or anything. Maybe it's worth trying to do that earlier tomorrow so it's not hanging over you all day?

03-01-16, 19:50
I might try them when they open and see if I can speak to him earlier.

Did you just ring up of your own accord AdamJones or did they ask you to ring?

03-01-16, 19:54
they asked me to ring, and I thought there's no way my HA can cope with this haha, so. I just called up and they told me over the phone then and there

03-01-16, 19:59
Ok, I guess that makes me feel a bit better! My surgery is massively busy so if you ever want to speak to your dr over the phone they give you a time slot.

03-01-16, 20:16
Yeah mine is like that too, they were fine on this occasion though

04-01-16, 17:58
Hi hun, how did it go?

04-01-16, 20:37
Hi guys,
Am so relieved! Apparently I have a fatty liver. My dr didn't seem to think this was causing any problems. He said he wasn't in last week, if he was I wouldn't have received a phone call. He was really sorry I had been worried- it was a locum who had asked the receptionist to call me.

Am so glad that's over and have finally managed to eat more than I have in days!

I really want to thank you all for your replies, you have kept me going. Especially through last night and today when I was really struggling.


04-01-16, 21:00
I'm so pleased that it all went well. Time to move forward, but remember that experience for future, something you were very worried about, turned out to be nothing to worry about.

04-01-16, 21:55
I think it's horrible that they used the word "abnormality" and then left you with it.

Rest assured, if you were in danger, they'd have you in there YESTERDAY. I would feel the same way as you do because I freak out about EVERYTHING, but if it's a phone appointment and they are putting it off for a few days I'm willing to bet that whatever it is, it's an easy fix.

Once you get that news, I would give them a piece of your mind about how horrible it is to drop that information on someone, in those words, and then leave them worrying.

(hugs). All will be ok.

---------- Post added at 16:55 ---------- Previous post was at 16:55 ----------

Sorry, just read that all is well! So glad it worked out fine. :) I knew it would!