View Full Version : days into nights on these meds, positive replies only

01-01-16, 21:51
ok ive been on these meds for 2 and a half weeks, at first i couldnt sleep at night on these meds but now ive literally flipped my days into nights.
im sleeping around 8 or 9 in the morning and maybe for 6 hours, awake for a few, sleep for a few then awake for a few till around 9 at night then im wide awake !!
its making me want to come off the meds because its making my depression worse in this routine because i never see daylight anymore .... im constantly exhausted during the day as well, trying to fight the sleep is impossible and when im tired the anxiety and panic is horrendous. if i take anything to cool down the anx it makes me sleepy and im out for the count anyways !!
how the hell do i win with this ??
i know it can take up to 6 week for them to work so i dont want to give them up ( i havnt taken it today right enough in the hope i can get to sleep tonight but ive literally just slept on and off till 9 tonight so ive got no chance !! )
i just dont know what to do anymore .... i cant handle this sleep thing :( im not spending time with my loved ones anymore .... all i see is my fiances back at night !!

01-01-16, 22:53
It took a good 2 months for my sleep to regulate, but the effect on my anxiety and depression was worth the wait. The issues with sleep seemed to hang on longer than other side effects fro some reason. I started off taking them at night, but found it was really hard to get up in the morning. I switched to taking them in the morning and that has helped a little bit.

02-01-16, 04:18
I take mine at lunchtime roughly but it can be anytime due to my sleep being all over the place. On monday ive not got the kids here so im going to try and force myself to get a few hours sleep then stay awake all day. The thouht of this makes me sick tho xx

02-01-16, 04:24
Try really hard to get into a routine of taking it at the same time every day. It will help your body regulate itself around the medication and adjust. The sleep issues can be infuriating, but once you get through it and come out on the other side, you will feel better!

It's also important to set a regular sleep schedule. That might mean forcing yourself to not take any naps one day and that will be tough, but push through. One nurse told me that it was more important to make sure I woke up at a consistent time every day and stayed awake during the day than going to bed at the same time at night.

My MD also gave me 2 mg diazepam for sleeping and that helped during the worst of it. It really did pass, it just took some time. My sleep is normal now. You can do it!

02-01-16, 12:43
I was going to ask if your GP would allow diaz to help you with the start up. Can't believe that the cricis team have walked away. NHS Scotland really sucks where mental health issues are concerned.

02-01-16, 12:59
It's no better in England Elen.

My crisis team help consisted of a promised phone call for assessment and treatment. That didn't happen.
My son is lucky to still have his Mum here. I told them I felt I wasn't feeling responsible for my actions and I needed help.Even when you say the right things to the right people there is no professional there for you :weep:

03-01-16, 13:46
It seems as if the crisis team only acts after the act, not to prevent it

04-01-16, 00:50
I have an old prescription of diaz but ive only got 22 tablets and the new docs im with wont prescribe them so im trying to only use them when im in desperate need. Im scared the diaz really helps then i run out and im left to deal with it all alone. Plus im terrified of addiction too :/ what a nightmare lol

04-01-16, 05:54
It seems as if the crisis team only acts after the act, not to prevent it

I've been very surprised by it. My experience with them was pretty good but then I never called them, my GP did so perhaps that played a part in them coming out so quickly? :winks: