View Full Version : Dull one sided head pain in a weird spot. Anyone else?

02-01-16, 01:34
Hi all,

Just a few days ago I was worried about heavy legs. Well that went away. But every day it's something else.

One sided head pain is migraine, but I don't have intense pain that is typical of migraine. I have a dull ache in one side of my head above my ear. If I clench my teeth and feel the side of my head it's the muscle that bulges out. That's where the ache is. It's not incredibly painful more a dull ache. It feels like it's outside my head like its skull pain, not a headache from the inside if that makes sense. At its most mild it feels like someone is pushing their palm against the side of my head. Non anxious people would probably get on with their day but I hate not knowing what it is. I had a CT scan 5 months ago and it was fine. I'm not looking for a diagnosis, just wondering if anxiety, stress, tension causes aches in this area and if anyone else experiences it?

Thank you :)

02-01-16, 23:31
Hi, I've had this recently. Have been having problems with my ears and the doctor said it was probably referred pain. the only thing that seems to help is sleep for me!

03-01-16, 03:29
I get weird pains in my head all the time which are anxiety related (I think) but cause anxiety, which makes them worse, if that make sense!

If you have any tension in your shoulders or neck that can be enough to give you headaches - sounds like it's muscular as it's outside your head?

03-01-16, 22:10
That has to be my most common symptom, along with weak legs and jumpy feet. It doesn't hurt much most of the time, but is very bothersome. In my rational state, I think it's something to do with a build up of mucus in my nasal passages, and doing a nasal rinse does help. Of course, at anxy times, I'm convinced it's a brain tumour, which it clearly isn't. It always goes eventually.

05-01-16, 05:14
Thanks for the helpful replies everyone, the stupid thing comes and goes. Panicking about it makes the feeling more intense.

Randara: I get pain in my ears, as well. I am thankful the ear pain and side of the head pain doesn't occur simultaneously!

Shamataz: I think it is muscular... Not while in my throes of anxiety and panic but when I'm thinking rationally, there is tension in my shoulders and neck. obviously all these muscles in those areas connect to my head!

witsend: I've had the weak legs and jumpy feet. I know exactly what you mean by "jumpy!" That's the worst of my anxiety symptoms, they are so weird they're hard to describe. Bothersome is definitely the word for this head crap... It's not painful like a headache but it's so disconcerting.

I don't have the side headache anymore.

Thanks again all, reassurance might be bad but it feels so good!

05-01-16, 10:45
I had this from around July 2015 to mid September. It was mildly annoying; no pain, just pressure.

I had experienced SO much stress (more than I've ever had to deal with) 4-6 months previous to it, and the stress was only just calming down, leaving masses of anxiety/health anxiety, etc.

I never worried much about it as it was the least bothersome symptom, and when it sometimes reoccurs, it is when I am stressed or anxious and no on meds. It is, IMO, a sign of tension around my jaw as I can feel myself clenching my jaw a lot.

It should all be fine.