View Full Version : Hi I'm new

22-02-07, 22:09
Hi everyone,

I just want to introduce myself before writing some more in depth posts.

I am 23 and have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for 4/5 years. It began while I was at uni (but I've lived at home all my life) and was triggered by fieldtrips, uni-planned day trips out, and basically anything which involved a fear of the unknown. Fortunately I successfully graduated in 2004 and decided to take some time out to tackle the problem. It is my ambition to return to uni as a postgraduate and see a bit of the world.

Over the past two years or so I have made steady progress and my confidence has gradually increased. There has been the odd period during this time when I went through difficulties and I frequently suffer from globus hystericus. Overall though things were getting better and I've been doing well in my job as a Saturday/casual library assistant.

Unfortunately I have had a big setback since Dec'06 and feel like I'm back to square one. I've been signed off work by my GP and am taking Citalopram (20 mg) and Propanalol (10 mg). I have recently started to see a psychologist but the sessions are far apart as she is in such demand. We will be concentrating on CBT which I've tried in the past during a group self-help course.

That's all I really want to write at the moment but I'm planning on writing more posts over the next few days. I'm really glad that I've found this forum because I'm looking forward to sharing thoughts with fellow sufferers anonymously. Support from my family has been great but sometimes you want to here from people who really know what it's like! ;)

I hope you're not limited to a certain number of posts because I have a feeling I'll be writing a lot in the next few days. :D Thanks for taking the time to read this,


22-02-07, 22:24
Hi Mike,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

22-02-07, 22:28

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

take care

Trac xx

22-02-07, 23:46
Good luck Mike and I hope you get all the help and support you need! Just keep talking - i promise it goes help!

DShell x

23-02-07, 00:48
Hi Mike :)
Just met you in the chat, hope to see you around. I also started with the attacks at uni. Hope this site helps you like it has me

23-02-07, 06:43
Elo Mike,

Welcome to the site..great support n advice here...glad to have ya on board.....love the username btw lol x

23-02-07, 11:38
Hi Mike

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here. Please feel free to ask any questions you want to.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice.

23-02-07, 17:13
Thanks for all your warm welcomes. It's nice to know you're not alone.

23-02-07, 17:41
Hi ya...welcome to the site. Hopefully you will find it useful...I have....Have found it again and glad I have

Wendie j
24-02-07, 16:01
Hi Mike

im new aswell so hello,look forward to sharing support.

Wendie j