View Full Version : Worried about sinusitis/ear pain

22-02-07, 22:25
I had a cold 3 weeks ago, caught it from my kids. I felt rough fo 5 days but then I was well. I then felt bunged up again and headachy about a week later. I went to the dr twice that week and both times told it was a virus but on saturday i ended up on anti bs as I rung the out of hours GP who said my symptoms were more like sinusitis. 2 days on anti bs and I was feeling much better, glands went down and face no longer hurt and my snot (sorry) went back to clear from green.

I have 1 day left of anti bs tomorrow, im on 500mg of amoxicillin 3x a day, a weeks course. Thing is I have ear pain in my left ear, a horrible ache. Its getting no better. How long does it take for anti bs to completly work? when i had my ears checked last week they were clear, nothing wrong desptite the pain i had.

NO point running the dr as im still on anti bs. I am flying to paris in 12 days, im worried about flying because of the pain in my ear. Also ive heard sinusitis can take lots of anti bs to clear it or some people can never be rid of it and it can cause lots of problems. Can anyone reassure me or has anyone had sinusitis and its gone after a course of anti bs?

22-02-07, 22:37
Hi Cheryl,i know i had chronic sinusitis and i had to have an op but mine was different my snot was always clear.My sis had sinusitis 2 weeks ago and she was on the same meds as you and shes now fine,a tiny little bit of congestion now and again but thats it.As for the ears thats something i know quite a bit about as i have seen several ENT Docs,maybe if i expalined a bit you'd feel better.
When you have congestion ie cold,Sinusitis your eustachian tubes become inflamed(these are the ears which connect the nose and the ears)Which creates ear pain,also you can get congestion in those tubes(which is why you shouldnt fly with a cold)which will eventually go as the cold/Sinusitis gets better.The ENTs always recommended steam inhaltion,pop ya head over a bowl of steaming water with vicks or something in and inhale the steam but becareful you dont burn yourself.This eases open the Tubes and if you do have congestion in there it will slowly come out,you may have to steam often though.
I really hope this helps you.
Big Hugs

22-02-07, 22:45
Hi found this for you cos ya probably worried bout flying

You may find that air travel poses a problem if you are suffering from acute or chronic sinusitis. As air pressure in a plane is reduced, pressure can build up in your head blocking your sinuses or eustachian tubes in your ears. Therefore, you might feel discomfort in your sinus or middle ear during the plane's ascent or descent. Some health experts recommend using decongestant nose drops or inhalers before a flight to avoid this problem.

Also if you very worried Ent.org is a very good site about sinusitis and its written by Ent docs it may help you feel easier.

23-02-07, 09:22
Thanks so much.

I have had the pressure and pain all down my left cheek and huge glands up down my eustachian tube on left side, I could feel them all up down there, I think thats why i had so much ear pressure, they have gone down alot now. Maybe its the glands causing the pressure because my GP said my ears are clear, well they were last week even though I had sinusitis.

I fly in 11 days time and im paranoid about it also paranoid the sinusitis won't clear up.

They thought i had chronic sinusitis but after ct scans showed no blockages they said it was all tension pains in my face but now i do have sinusitis im scared I will end up with chronic sinusitis.

Arghhh im a nightmare, lol!


23-02-07, 19:04
Hi Hunny,
Go get your ears treated by thermo-auricular therapy www.thermo-auricular.com (http://www.thermo-auricular.com) find a therapist on the register. Absolutley fabulous for sinusitis, colds, ear problems. Especially if you about to fly. Wish you well.

23-02-07, 19:24