View Full Version : Okay..I feel like I could legitimately have MS.

02-01-16, 14:25
So my grandmother had MS, a real bad case of it too. She was one of the unlucky ones, unable to communicate and basically paralyzed by the age of 50 when she was diagnosed around 40. (sorry if that triggers anyone). Though, that was years ago and treatments have improved I guess. So family history is there.

I've always had weird, neurological things happen to me ever since I can remember that no doctor has been able to explain and just told me since I've had it for so long it's probably harmless.

Tingling in the back of my neck, shoulder and neck jerks, random unexplained shivers, pins and needles REALLY easily (sometimes with no pressure at all). Every lunch time when my friends and I would sit down I'd always get pins and needles within minutes, and they were all shocked at how I got it so often. They were also really confused by my twitches lol. I also have had really intense heart palpations for as long as I can remember, before I even experienced anxiety. They're just a really really hard singular heart beat that causes my entire chest to throb forward. I shrugged them off, thought they were normal (lol), way before my hypochondria stage. I get double vision when I don't focus on things. (i thought that was normal, is it?) i also see dots in my vision sometimes but i think that is normal too?

however I'm not clumsy, I played soccer for a good portion of my teenage years so my coordination has no problem, in fact that was my strong point. i'm not weak. i only get lightheaded sometimes if i didnt wake up long ago so i think that is normal. i dont get sick often and i've literally vomited twice in my entire life, both from uncontrollable circumstances. (food poisoning)

I'm 17 now, and I'm aware this is typically in older people but teenagers aren't completely out of the picture. To be honest, I'm not that scared of it. I'm more scared of cancer and whatnot, that's where my HA is at. MS treatment has improved drastically and even if I do have MS, there's a high chance I'll be able to tolerate it and live a somewhat regular life. Death scares me way more than anything, and MS isn't a fatal disease.

So, I'm posting here to ask if any of you MS paranoid folks have had these symptoms?

02-01-16, 23:43
It's statistically unlikely you have MS. I get all of those symptoms too sometimes, remember that once you start noticing symptoms it will appear that you get them all the time.

Are you on any medication?

02-01-16, 23:47
No... just no...

Positive thoughts

03-01-16, 03:20
I worried I had MS for a couple of years. Had symptoms like weakness in my left arm and leg, tingling, pins and needles, blurry vision and a whole raft of other neurological stuff. My GP insisted it was symptoms of anxiety. I did have a nerve conduction test done on my arm and leg and they came out fine. I expect you are fine too. If you have anxiety issues, it is most likely the symptoms are due to that. I'd also say you are too young to have MS at 17?

03-01-16, 04:08
It's statistically unlikely you have MS. I get all of those symptoms too sometimes, remember that once you start noticing symptoms it will appear that you get them all the time.

Are you on any medication?

Not on any meds. The thing is I've had these symptoms before I even knew what anxiety was. I really don't think it's anxiety lol.

I worried I had MS for a couple of years. Had symptoms like weakness in my left arm and leg, tingling, pins and needles, blurry vision and a whole raft of other neurological stuff. My GP insisted it was symptoms of anxiety. I did have a nerve conduction test done on my arm and leg and they came out fine. I expect you are fine too. If you have anxiety issues, it is most likely the symptoms are due to that. I'd also say you are too young to have MS at 17?

As said above, I've had these symptoms before my anxiety lol. My friends cousin got diagnosed with MS at 19.

03-01-16, 04:16
I just wondered it the symptoms were anxiety but you didn't know it was anxiety? May sound like a silly question but it happens a lot. People having weird physical symptoms and then finding out they are actually caused by anxiety.

I didn't know people got MS that young :(

03-01-16, 04:21
I just wondered it the symptoms were anxiety but you didn't know it was anxiety? May sound like a silly question but it happens a lot. People having weird physical symptoms and then finding out they are actually caused by anxiety.

I didn't know people got MS that young :(

I have some heavy personal issues I grew up with, so I guess maybe me having anxiety without knowing it isn't completely out of the question, it just seems so odd to me. Even now, I don't have the typical 'anxiety attacks' I'm just generally anxious, some times worse than other times.

Yeah, it's sad. It's way too young. But on the bright side I read typically the younger you're diagnosed with MS the less aggressive and more treatable it is.

03-01-16, 04:23
I HOPE it's just anxiety. If you are generally anxious you will probably have a lot of muscle tension, especially in your neck and shoulders and this could cause all sorts of tingling etc. It does with me anyway.

03-01-16, 04:29
I really don't think it's anxiety lol.

With respect, all your posts indicate it and you are on an anxiety website....

Hope you feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

03-01-16, 05:11
That's a pretty good point lol :P

03-01-16, 20:23
I've had all of the things you mentioned. I've had all of the tests too and seems I have no sign of MS. Mines most likely due to anxiety. Plus anxiety can manifest out of no where for no apparent reason. I was just hangin out in my truck jamming out while heading to get some vitamins feeling great for once in a longgggg time. I get into the place that has a billion people in it, symptoms show up. Too coincidental even for my anxiety driven mind.

Also seems that if you remember those feeling syou were getting you could possibly create them once again. It sucks. I could feel great and go (oh I feel great. Don't feel like I have this and this type symptoms). Then bam, I do. Wish when the symptoms went away that I can erase them from my mind.

Hope you're doing fine though. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. Just remember that anxiety can be unconsciously building up symptoms even if you're just sitting there relaxed watching tv.