View Full Version : Feeling awful reassurance please?

02-01-16, 16:01
My worry has completley gone over the edge, I have been worried about having a brain tumour since 2012 but for the best part of last year I have been doing ok and it had'nt crossed my mind for a number of months.

However 2 weeks ago I had a change in my vision, I had an operation on my left eye back in october but this does not seem linked, I am seeing what I can only describe as starbursts and light streaking and flares/glare off all lights.

I have had 2 dilated eye exams now at the eye A+E but nothing at all was found to be wrong with my eyes, I got told they are very good at picking up brain tumours and its nothing sinister...but I don't feel reassured by that.

I have also developed a really really sore neck/traps/shoulders and scalp, its like a burning sore pain and even hurts to the touch.

Really feeling very worried and low. :weep:

02-01-16, 16:50
Hi there,

I can't give the reassurance you want because I'm not medically trained but I can point you to a couple of things which may help and I'll pose some questions for you to mull over:

I understand that having medical condition, as you do, can make you sensitive to other symptoms and what they might mean. Is this something you've considered?
Look back over some of your posts since you joined. You'll see a pattern of worry which has never resulted in what you fear it is. In other words, you've been here before.
You've been to A&E and been checked over. Is there a reason you can't accept what they're saying? Perhaps a previous bad experience?
Have a read of the health anxiety article on this site. Even if you've read it before, it's worth a reread.

Take care


02-01-16, 23:07
If they say it's fine, the likelihood is that it's fine.

03-01-16, 04:04
I understand your worry. I experience similar things, not believing doctors when they say nothing is wrong because it sure feels like something IS wrong! I also wonder if you had a bad experience in the past where a doctor got something wrong?

I think my lack of trust and thus anxiety comes from 5 years ago when I was referred to a specialist due to having some serious poop issues and a fever and weight loss. The specialist had a poke around and referred me for a scan (for which the waiting time was a month or so). Three days later I was in hospital, diagnosed with Crohn's disease and very, very ill.

I'm sure you are fine. It's hard to believe them when things don;t feel right but sounds like you have been well checked out.