View Full Version : Nervous about getting a chest x ray today

02-01-16, 16:40
Hello guys,

So I posted about two weeks ago on here about this maybe chest infection that I might have.

Two weeks ago I went to the doctors and he checked me out and said I probably have a chest infection. I have a cough, barely any phlegm but if I do it's always clear, and I have the chest cold sensation in my chest.

Anyways, he prescribed me a five day antibiotics which didn't work. I went back Wednesday morning and he said I should get a chest X-ray done but he really doesn't think it's anything serious. He gave me a nasal spray because he thinks it could be related to the irritation caused by post nasal drip as before the chest symptoms I had a really bad cold.

So now today at 1pm I have to get the X-ray done and I'm very anxious and nervous because I'm scared they will find a tumour in my chest or breasts that I wasn't expecting. :(

It also worries me that this chest sensation won't go away even though the antibiotics were apparently very strong.