View Full Version : Brain Tumor Fears

02-01-16, 20:03
Basically I have been worried about a lot of different disease and am not scared if what I have is a brain tumour. My symptoms are:
Headaches which are not very severe but persistent but have been worse
Feel like my speech is weird and cant get my words out as well as slurred and often I need to repeat what I am saying for people to understand (could be because i speak quitely)
I get muscle spasms and twitches
I can often smell a graphite type smell on my hands (sometimes just in the air) which has no obvious source (usually in college could be due to pencils or desks but have smelt it outside of college)
Feel ever so slightly nauseous quite a lot of the time in the past week (could be because of staying up late)
Feel a pressure in my head like a headache which comes and goes
I also sleep a lot which could mean fatigue (usually start watching youtube videos in the afternoon and drift off)
Lastly there are weird things in my vision once or twice a day sometimes its a blue patch for a few seconds or rarely when i sneeze i get dots of light across my vision which last maybe 30 seconds before disappearing and my vision feels weird ( derealisation sort of feeling but only vision)
I am really worried as I have had some of these symptoms for around 2 years or more now and am scared if it is something serious it could have progressed someone please help

02-01-16, 23:01
Aw I feel so bad for you, Hun. I'm going through the same thing and let it ruin my entire Christmas holiday with my family and baby girl. I have head pressure/headaches almost daily since before Thanksgiving. I went to the doctor on Wednesday and he thinks sinuses and anxiety. Put me on a steroid nasal spray (I already did a round of antibiotics a few weeks ago) and lorazepam. I'm trying to hang on in there...I'm doing a little better....but the horrid thoughts are still there and sometimes I just break down and cry and cry. Sorry for rambling, I'm just commiserating, I guess. I also had myself convinced something is happening with my speech and vision but even the GP said both issues could be anxiety. They haven't been as bad since I started the steroid spray and lorazepam.

Just like you already suggested, I keep telling myself that if it was truly something sinister, it would be getting worse. My headaches still allow me to function but I just feel like I have to stop and squeeze my head or face sometimes. I tell myself that if it was a brain tumor (big enough to be giving me symptoms) I would be far worse. I think the same can go for you. Have you been to the doctor ?