View Full Version : Chest Pains/Jaw Pain Ect Ect :(

02-01-16, 20:34
So Guys... Ive Suffered From General Anxiety Disorder and Depression for 8 Years:weep:

And believe me guys, when i have the flu or a cold, i believe im at deaths door! :huh:

But the past 2 months has been a distraught experience.

I started to feel light-headed around October 2015, just in general, i thought i was worn out as i had been working 40+ hours a week, but i enjoy my job, it aint strenuous work, im sitting down alot so i dont get worked up, although it can become high pressure mentally. One night in late october, i started to suffer chest pains (sharp) in my abdomen and left chest (under my nipple). It was so intense i went to the ER. I was assesed and given an ECG and all results came back normal..

So i put it off.. then the 3rd week in December i started to experience chest pains :( then along with the chest pains came pain in my Left Arm (Wrist, and a dead feeling in my left tricep and shoulder) so i went to see my GP, who listened to my heart and took my blood pressure. He assured me he didnt think it was heart related, but wanted to rule it out. So i was given a full blood test, biochemistry bloods and another ECG. All returned normally.

I once again put it down to anxiety. I struggled over xmas, started to feel ok.. then New Years Eve. All The Symptoms came. Left Chest Pain, Left Tricep Feeling Heavy, Left Wrist Shooting pains, Left Ankle Feeling Heavy, Left Leg Shooting Pains, Left Upper Jaw Shooting Pain (What Would Not Go) :(

So i once again went to ER. They checked me over again, did an ECG. Came back normal. 2016 has me full of worry! once i was assessed i was taken to a GP onsite who assured me my heart was ok. and that it was all down to Anxiety/Stress

Im just wondering if any of you guys have suffered with similar symptoms as i am describing?

I Could really do with some advice from you guys or anyone who has knowledge of these symptoms?

Thankyou guys

03-01-16, 01:15

03-01-16, 01:29
I have heart disease. Two heart attacks, bypass surgery and stents. I've also had chest pain caused by stress. Went to the ER... all tests normal. It was stress and reflux. You've been tested forward, backward and sideways... you're fine.

Positive thoughts

03-01-16, 01:43
Thanks for your reply buddy! Really appreciate that from you. Many thanks from the UK.

03-01-16, 06:05
I haven't had the chest pains but have had numbness/tingling/weakness in my left arm and leg and have been tested for MS which came back negative. I've had trouble believing the doctor but they insist there is nothing wrong and it is anxiety related.

I haven't mastered this yet so don't have any advice but just wanted to show support and understanding :)

03-01-16, 07:02
I have some of these symptoms but can particularly relate to the chest/jaw pain. I am certain it's muscular and is caused by tension/anxiety and my poor posture.
The mental pressure combined with your sedentary job suggest things might be the same for you, especially as the tests have revealed nothing sinister. The symptoms can be worrying and feel like something is seriously wrong but you have to put your trust in the medical professionals.

You would be much better off talking to your GP about the GAD/depression (if you haven't already).:)

03-01-16, 10:52
Thanks so much for the replies guys... i think my best option is to go back to my GP and explain my symptoms again and basically accept that this is my GAD, luckily im hoping it is just stress related but you know... it feels so physical :( and i dont feel under stress at all (maybe more now with the symptoms)

Thanks so much for the reply! X