View Full Version : Repeated pvcs ? Diet coke the cause!

02-01-16, 22:40
Hi I posted yesterday but no one replied. Today the pvcs have been not as frequent like a thud 2 or 3 times per hour but still freaking me out. I had a lot of diet coke over the last few days and I am wondering whether that is causing pvcs I have also been anxious about social things on. A big day today with family it was my birthday lunch at mums at 1 then out for a meal tonight and then tomorrow my sister is coming with her children so lunch for 12 tomorrow. But these pvcs are getting me down could diet coke be causing them

02-01-16, 22:50
Is there caffeine in Diet Coke? I don't drink fizzy drinks so I wouldn't know. Caffeine can cause palpitations and make anxiety symptoms worse.

Try cutting out caffeine for a few weeks and seeing how you feel.

Pip x

02-01-16, 23:33
Is there caffeine in Diet Coke? I don't drink fizzy drinks so I wouldn't know. Caffeine can cause palpitations and make anxiety symptoms worse.

Try cutting out caffeine for a few weeks and seeing how you feel.

Pip x

Yep... same amount as in regular Coke.... Cut out the soft drinks and other caffeinated beverages and see how you feel.

Positive thoughts