View Full Version : Want to cancel my hernia op, please can someone talk some sense into me?

02-01-16, 23:18
Hi -

I have an umbilical hernia just above my belly button. I've been advised to have the standard repair operation as it will only get worse and presents itself as a lump above my belly button (nothing breaking through the skin though...)

I cancelled the op once already because I'm scared to have it, and its now due next Thursday, I tried to cancel it again but was advised not to or I'll go to the bottom of the waiting list. I also hate the thought of my anxiety letting people down or causing problems for the NHS etc.

Has anyone had this operation? What is scaring me the most -

- the general anaesthetic, I have never had one and the feeling of losing control terrifies me, I'll be so vulnerable and won't even be able to breathe without their help.

- the breathing tube which will be the only thing helping me breathe, its invasive and I hate the thought of things being shoved down my throat.

- they might cut the wrong areas, like a major artery and this could obviously be catastrophic.

- part of me doesnt believe I actually have a hernia. I had it diagnosed at an ultra sound scan and she said it was v small and no need to operate and that the NHS wouldn't operate on one that size. She said the swelling above my belly button was nothing to do with it and she didn't know what it was.

My GP then recommended I see a surgeon about it and he said due to the size of it I SHOULD have it fixed and soon before it gets worse, he also said the swelling was because of the hernia and if I get it repaired the swelling will go.

So conflicting opinions. I also thought hernias were visible and protruded through the skin which mine doesn't.

I am in a terrible state, can't think straight and really don't know how I'll get through this :weep: the thought of that anaesthetic makes me feel sick, my heart races and I just don't see how it can be safe. They might also give me too much of it or not enough :wacko:

I am spinning out of control, can anyone metaphorically slap me around the face with a wet fish??!

02-01-16, 23:26
I would like to strongly recommend you have the operation. I say this for very personal reasons.

02-01-16, 23:28
Ok, thank you. I appreciate your reply :hugs:

02-01-16, 23:31
If you want to know why, PM me.

But the benefits outweigh the risks here, trust me.

02-01-16, 23:37
Have PM'd x

03-01-16, 00:02
Have replied :)

03-01-16, 00:40
I had a femoral hernia op in 1978. Back the in the old days, it was a slice and dice procedure, a couple of days in the hospital and a coule of weeks recovery. Nowadays, you'll be in and out of the OR in less than an hour and home the same day. You'll be so doped up on the good stuff you won't give a *^%.

As per the Nike slogan... "Just Do It!"

Positive thoughts

03-01-16, 01:11
Thank you Fishman, much appreciated and you're right it's very quick, I've been told I'll be straight in and out pretty much as soon as I wake up!

Femoral, so was that your leg? What is general anaesthetic like? That is what's scaring me the most, if it was local it wouldn't bother me so much. I will ask for drugs don't worry about that :whistles:

03-01-16, 01:23
Thank you Fishman, much appreciated and you're right it's very quick, I've been told I'll be straight in and out pretty much as soon as I wake up!

Femoral, so was that your leg? What is general anaesthetic like? That is what's scaring me the most, if it was local it wouldn't bother me so much. I will ask for drugs don't worry about that :whistles:

Yes, femoral is the hernia going into the leg from the groin... quite painful from what I remember. A general? Well... you're already doped up so it's just like falling asleep is all and you won't give a hoot at that point anyway ~lol~

Positive thoughts

05-01-16, 19:12
Is there anything I can ask for before they administor the anaesthetic? I basically need something that will make me not care about what's going to happen if that makes sense.

Really starting to panic now :ohmy:

Just thinking as well, I don't smoke usually but had a few on NYE plus a good few drinks, am worried this will be a problem.

05-01-16, 19:24
Is there anything I can ask for before they administor the anaesthetic? I basically need something that will make me not care about what's going to happen if that makes sense.

Really starting to panic now :ohmy:

Just thinking as well, I don't smoke usually but had a few on NYE plus a good few drinks, am worried this will be a problem.

Just tell them you're really nervous about it and ask for something to calm you down. They'll accommodate you I'm sure. I asked for something to calm my nerves and they gave some really good stuff ;) I wasn't all that freaked... just wanted a good buzz going in ~lol~

Positive thoughts

05-01-16, 19:33
LOL yes I'm trying to find silver linings in this situation and the thought of some decent drugs is helping a bit :D

Thanks for replying, good to know you've been through it and coped, I just need to WOMAN UP and get on with it!!!

05-01-16, 19:38
LOL yes I'm trying to find silver linings in this situation and the thought of some decent drugs is helping a bit :D

Thanks for replying, good to know you've been through it and coped, I just need to WOMAN UP and get on with it!!!

Not only that but with MAJOR surgeries... This one is a quick and easy in and out. Really... you'll be fine :)

Positive thoughts

05-01-16, 19:45
Not only that but with MAJOR surgeries... This one is a quick and easy in and out. Really... you'll be fine :)

Positive thoughts

Wow...Fishmanpa I don't know how you coped with that (or how anyone does for that matter). I think you're amazing to have gone through it, I would fall apart.

Do you not think me smoking and drinking last week will be an issue?

05-01-16, 19:57
Wow...Fishmanpa I don't know how you coped with that (or how anyone does for that matter). I think you're amazing to have gone through it, I would fall apart.

Do you not think me smoking and drinking last week will be an issue?

Having a few drinks and a smoke a week ago won't be an issue but lay off the smoking and go real easy with the alcohol in the future ya hear?! I see way too many threads where folks get all out of sorts from drinking.

As far as coping? It was my life in the balance. Open heart surgery (bypass) and a neck dissection to remove cancerous nodes (also stents in 2012). What choice did I have?

So many people worry about how they'll deal with something like that but I can tell you from experience, you just do. I've known of two serious anxiety sufferers that faced similar situations and as it turned out, their anxiety took a back seat and not only did they deal with it but their anxiety issues remained in the back seat. When one is faced with a life threatening illness or situation, even if its one they fear, their inner strength and survival instincts kick in and afterwards, having gone through the experience, they have a revelation of sorts... That the things they worried about for so long were just not as important than enjoying and appreciating what they have in their lives.

My signature is all about that :)

Positive thoughts

05-01-16, 20:03
That's very inspiring, and I get you completely - you just cope. It puts things all into perspective I guess and could happen to any of us at any time.

I'll try to think of things like that.

Oh believe me I am done with drinking, it turns me into a horrible version of myself and makes my depression significantly worse :(

I'll come back and update at the end of the week :)

05-01-16, 21:40
I work in surgery in the US. Anesthesiologists take care of patients with anxiety. It's a shot for the nerves if you are feeling anxious let them know they should take care of that asap lol.

05-01-16, 22:55
Thanks nivekc :) I will tell them - in fact I prob won't need to it will be written all over my face lol...

What will they give me do you think?

06-01-16, 01:46
Some mild sedative it all depends on the doc, and if u have allergies .some use diazapan it will make u feel real good. The surgery staff is trained and knows how to deal with patients with anxiety. They will be very nice and helpful.

---------- Post added at 19:46 ---------- Previous post was at 19:44 ----------

I've helped assist in umbilical hernias, and they are a breeze. Do not worry it's a quick and easy fix.

06-01-16, 12:47
Some mild sedative it all depends on the doc, and if u have allergies .some use diazapan it will make u feel real good. The surgery staff is trained and knows how to deal with patients with anxiety. They will be very nice and helpful.

---------- Post added at 19:46 ---------- Previous post was at 19:44 ----------

I've helped assist in umbilical hernias, and they are a breeze. Do not worry it's a quick and easy fix.

This is the thing, I have no idea if I have allergies to things like this. Will just have to wait and see.

Thank you I have heard too that they're very easy ops :)