View Full Version : Phew

Jon K
23-02-07, 00:00
Hi people.

I've just been convinced that what's happening to me is panic attacks, and right now I'm basically feeling very relieved.

I had my first panic attack two days ago, at work. I started feeling off-colour and worked myself up through hyperventilation to palpatations, which felt so horrible I (being alone in the office at that time) called the emergency number. Security came to my desk, and I calmed down enough to regain my breath and convince myself it was over.

I got a taxi to the hospital to be sure, and after a long, nervy wait (and lots of cups of water!) I was given a couple of ECGs and had a blood sample taken. They asked lots of questions about stress, but the thing is, I really don't think I've been under *any* - which me doubt that was the cause. Eventually I was discharged, still without really knowing what was going on.

Over the last couple of days, I've felt OK a lot of the time, getting more tense and anxious as the day wears on, and also when trying to sleep (in part because I can hear my heartbeat!) I've had recurring pains in my chest and arms too, tingling sensations in my hands, arms and chest, dizzy spells and shaking.

I started worrying again, so today I called NHS Direct (0845-4647) and I am so impressed with the level of care and attention. The nurse answered all my questions very politely, making absolutely certain I was OK, joking along with me, and I didn't feel at all rushed in the 35 minutes I was on the phone. It was the first time I heard anyone mention panic attacks since it all started. I really can't recommend that service enough.

So here I am, still a bit bemused about what has triggered this whole thing, but much more relaxed for the knowledge. I plan to cut out coffee (which I had been consuming a lot of in the week running up to my attack) and limit my alcohol intake, and just see where things go from here...

What I need now is a good massage to get rid of some tension!

23-02-07, 00:05
Hi Jon,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

23-02-07, 00:24
Hi Jon and welcome!

Yes, it certainly sounds like panic - horrible isn't it? However, you have the right attitude in trying a few things out to see if it makes a difference.

A panic attack is often a kind of "shot across the bow" to make you aware that you are under stress, even if you don't particularly feel like it at the time. It's worth taking the time to assess things to try to identify what your stressors might be. Could be anything from something unresolved in the past, to not making progress towards your particular goals, or something more immediate like not actually liking your job!

Hope you feel better soon.

Eeb x

23-02-07, 06:44
Elo Jon,
Welcome to the site...great support n advice here..you will find it very helpful..glad to have ya on board hun x

23-02-07, 07:44
Hi Jon,

This certainly sounds like anxiety. Your quote that you don't feel anxious or under stress is common to many when they first develop anxiety.

After-all, if you felt stress and anxiety your body probably wouldn't have got to the stage of releasing all the physical signs?

It is always worth a follow-up with your GP, but I bet you have had stress in your life in recents weeks and months. Try and address that and diet, etc.

take care,

23-02-07, 11:34
Hi Jon

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here. Please feel free to ask any questions you want to.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left of the screen for more advice on how to cope etc.

23-02-07, 11:53

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

23-02-07, 13:28
Hi Jon

It sounds like classic anxiety to me, its horrible how it can make you feel, welcome to the site and you'll get a lot of great advice here.

Take care

shirley xx