View Full Version : Wheezing

Danny 74
03-01-16, 01:09
Have had severe health anxiety for a year now, previously focused on heart but all about lungs & breathing for last few months. I can accept most of my chest pain & breathlessness as down to anxiety but recently developed a wheeze especially after laying down.
Searched the net but doesn't seem like wheezing is a typical anxiety symptom and I'm terrified it's lung cancer; I'm a 40yo smoker.
Has anyone had wheezing caused by anxiety please?

21-03-16, 12:36
Could be asthma

Catherine S
21-03-16, 13:28
Well we can't diagnose anything on the forum as per the rules, but we can always suggest asking the doctor about it if it's worrying you, and if you're told by him/her it's nothing dramatic, then we can suggest it may just be a symptom of anxiety and help you with that. However you say you're a smoker so i'd get it checked out to put your mind at rest.