View Full Version : Have anyone ever..

03-01-16, 04:20
I think I may be going crazy with my HA. Has anyone fake envisioned physical symptoms? I was looking in the mirror the other day and thought I saw a very very light medium sized bruise on my tummy. Sorry for tmi but it's right under my left breast. The thing is no one else sees it and when I look at that spot outside in the sunlight I don't see it. I'm sorry if I sound crazy I have been obsessing about bruises on my belly ever since I got pinched in my side above hip and developed a bruise which I got looked at by my doctor and all was ok. The so called bruise is on the same side as that one so my irrational mind is going bonkers. Everyone is telling me they don't see anything, and when I think about it it could be the lighting of where I am that could be a shadow that I'm thinking is a bruise . It is freaking me out as I worry about internal bleeding. I have had a sore hip on the same side and a sore to touch rib area as I lift my 2 kids everyday. Can someone plz help reassure me I could be seeing things and it's nothing serious?!!! Ty!

---------- Post added at 04:20 ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 ----------

I've been looking in every light every angle sometimes I think I see it sometimes I don't ...I'm being obsessed

03-01-16, 04:24
I'd suggest that if nobody else can see it then it's not there and nothing to worry about?

03-01-16, 04:27
I think you answered your own question there. I was going to suggest lighting and shadows. If nobody else can see it, it's obviously not there and you have nothing to worry about. Even if you did develop a bruise there, there's nothing unusual or dangerous about that, especially considering you carry your kids.

03-01-16, 04:34
Thank you for responding. You guys are right . I'm just worried because I've been having back & front pain in that area, I am recovering from sciatica as the pain went down my leg. I wish I can stop looking I seriously think my family thinks I'm nuts! It's funny how after 2 kids I never had time to examine my body and now I feel like everyday I'm looking!

My question is if it was serious pancreatic kidney or internal bleeding would there be signs??

03-01-16, 04:36
I'd say if it was serious you'be be in a lot of pain/unwell and it wouldn't show up as a bruise.
Sorry you are feeling like this. It's horrible isn't it?!

03-01-16, 04:43
Oh gosh thank you for being sweet and not calling me crazy!
It is not fun I wish I could just stop and focus 100% on my family
Has anyone else with HA done this? I just want my old self back

03-01-16, 05:08
I've done some things like I'd convince myself that a mole has changed when it probably hasn't at all then I literally foresee having stage 4 melanoma and dying as if I've actually been diagnosed. It's pretty intense and it isn't fun at all. It's just what HA is, sadly.

03-01-16, 05:50
I'm recently coming to terms with the fact that I have quite severe health anxiety, so I understand what it's like to be worried and think something is wrong, even when everyone tells you it isn't. Your brain can play some very powerful tricks!