View Full Version : What's your anxiety history?

03-01-16, 09:46
So were you always anxious?

Did it all come at once after some event?

Did it get worse over the years?

03-01-16, 10:04
Had ocd traits as a child - not touching nicks in pavements and if I did thought something bad would happen, also thinking I was in a dream and couldn't wake up.

Post Natel depression after my first child 23 years ago, then GAD after my second child 21 years ago been on many different meds since.

Seem to be okay for a while then will have a major blip, so then either meds increased or a new one commenced, GP exhausted all primary care options now so seeing the mental health team on Thursday for an assessment.

03-01-16, 12:12
Always worried about things but not to the extent where it made me ill.
Heard a couple of loud noises in July that sounded like gunshot - bang (no pun intended). I'm riddled with anxiety still.

Sam Winter
03-01-16, 12:45
i've always worried about things its almost as if i was born with it, but it got worse after 2014 as that year really sucked for bad events

03-01-16, 12:52
I come from an anxious family! Everyone has panic attacks or some other forms of anxiety. I was a really nervous child who had nightmares and sleepwalked and then in my early teens developed panic disorder. Over the years my anxiety has morphed into ocd and other forms but it has always been there.

03-01-16, 13:13
No mental health in my family.min happend 10 years ago after i got beaten up badly and the guy that done it hung himself 10 min after beating me up..was a nasty stresful event i never recovered from it.never been the same since..

03-01-16, 13:17
That's awful, really sorry that happened to you. Xx

03-01-16, 14:21
I am 51 years old and can never remember a time that I haven't had some kind of mental health issues I had several operations on my feet from age four till eleven so have always wondered if this was a factor also my mum had mental health problems all her life I have had good spells and have raised two wonderful children but it always comes back with a vengeance as it has this last week it's relentless in its pursuit of me!

03-01-16, 14:30
i don't remember a time where i wasn't anxious, so it's really difficult to answer this question

i guess it did get worse over the years, especially with my parents disowning me.

but where it started from... i really don't know.

even my earliest memory was cowering in fear somewhere

03-01-16, 14:45
I was always a very strong, calm and fearless person.
Mine came to a head 2 years ago and after having Therapy was led to believe that it could have stemmed from childhood and traumatic events through my Life.
I spend most of my Life around the ill and elderly, so that does not help me either.

03-01-16, 15:32
Thanks for all your stories!