View Full Version : Totally in a mess

03-01-16, 09:48
I can't stop crying over my back pain. I am a mess. I found out a lot of the tender spots on my back are along the bra line and the seam does seem to be cutting in but some are lower, on the same muscle at the bottom of ribs. Could a bra that's too tight refer pain further down the muscle?

Also I am still sore the next morning after taking the bra off. Is that normal? Should it not be better if it was just my bra?

03-01-16, 11:11
Im feeling exactly the same! I have got back pain and L breast pain. Even after removing my bra it is still there. Have you taken any painkillers and maybe get your doctor to look at the spots cos it could be Shingles? When my sister had it, her back was in a LOT of pain.

03-01-16, 13:40
I haven't got shingles definitely and paracetamol hasn't really helped much. I just can't function at all