View Full Version : Lump in roof of mouth

03-01-16, 10:14

I am worrying about a small smooth lump under the roof of my mouth that is to the left of the centre but doesn't really feel bony or soft - just hard? I've had it for about six months to my knowledge. I have a dental appointment next week but wondered if anyone has anything similar in the past? Thank you

03-01-16, 16:27
Me! I had a complete meltdown over it, was checked over by two dentists, xrays done, it was just the shape of my mouth but I'd kept prodding it with my tongue.
I sobbed with relief in my dentists.
I'd still mention it next time you're there, but don't over worry about it like I did.

03-01-16, 20:13
Thank you Tracypo - so do you still have the lump now? I guess mine feels like a pea and definitely hasn't always been there. X

03-01-16, 20:23
Yes, still there now, totally benign. Dentists are experts with this kind of thing, I saw my dentist and practice manager. Feels a lot bigger when I touch it with my tongue and not my finger.

03-01-16, 20:38
Thank you! Mine feels about the same size with my tongue and finger however I'm aware that it probably isn't very big just feels it because it is in the mouth. Hoping they can X-ray it or something to give me piece of mine ! X

03-01-16, 20:42
They should, they won't take chances. I was offered a referral to hospital due to my anxiety (I was literally shaking and crying) but both dentists stressed that it was only for my peace of mind and not because they were concerned, I declined because I didn't want to start a new cycle of distrust /anxiety.
Let me know how you get on.