View Full Version : I think I am very ill

03-01-16, 11:03
Sorry everybody, once again! I just cannot relax. I have had a sore L breast for a couple of days now, and my R breast has only had very mild soreness, nowhere near as much as my L breast! Alongside sore L breast (mostly nipple) I have got painful back right where the shoulder blade sits. It's fine when I rest in a certain position but as soon as I move it, the pain comes back! I am already looking to pay a fortune on a private CT Scan and Mammogram to see if cancer has spread! I honestly don't think all of this is psychological and this will not settle! I took a pregnancy test which is negative and I am not due on my period or ovulation. I am also feeling pressure in my chest and severe tiredness. I feel like I need to go into a psychiatric hospital because all of this is ruining my life :weep:

03-01-16, 11:59
I'm going through a bad spelled now... But anxiety can do MUCH MORE than what you say. No one can diagnose you here, but be assured that anxiety can do pretty much anything

03-01-16, 15:14
Physical symptoms include:
moving or speaking more slowly than usual
change in appetite or weight (usually decreased, but sometimes increased)
unexplained aches and pains
lack of energy or lack of interest in sex (loss of libido)
changes to your menstrual cycle
disturbed sleep (for example, finding it hard to fall asleep at night or waking up very early in the morning)