View Full Version : Finding it hard to remain positive,

Sam Winter
03-01-16, 13:03
the one thing i struggle the most with is positivity,
i feel like my anxiety is the devil and its the cause of everything that happens, its like i always blame it,
i was ill last month and got over it before christmas and now i have the same illness all over again, now i'm fearing eating incase it makes me have to vomit because thats one of those things that really scares me,
do you have any tips for remaining positive? as now i just feel like this years gonna be out to get me :weep:

03-01-16, 14:31
Read the Positive Thoughts thread every day for one ;) Starting the day with a positive thought is one way to combat the negativity. Use them as wallpaper or a screen saver on my computer or on a sticky note in the bathroom etc. to constantly remind you to stay positive. It's a very simple thing to do but it does work!

Positive thoughts