View Full Version : Ache in chest....

03-01-16, 14:09
Sick of waking up with this dull ache in my chest. Tried to just get on with taking decorations down and cleaning and ignoring it. Had bad upper back pain on and off since Christmas too. I take omeprozole. the middle of my spine is so tight it hurts when I move but it's always like that now. Got really tears with it all before after OH was sniping about something and had a good cry and that seems to ease it so does that mean it could be tension?? I am now getting worked up thinking I have esophagus cancer or pancreatic cancer. I have tried the usual distractions...blooming colouring books and deep breathing. Can't have another year like last year....I promised myself enough was enough and it's only the 3rd of Jan and I am failing already :weep: why does everything have to be default death with me??? Don't know how I am going to face work tomorrow after the awful Christmas stress. Everybody will have had a great time no doubt.