View Full Version : Heart and Anxiety

03-01-16, 17:37
Hello All,

So this one started about 14 months ago, when I had one bout with a panic attack which I thought was a problem with my heart. Since then I have kind of been on guard, minimizing caffeine intake and so on.

Since then iv had a few panic attacks, some of which included the symptoms of dread, breathlessness, lump in my throat, perceived weakness in left arm, heart beating like crazy etc. My jaw also feels foreign at times. I had an ambulance called out about 2 months ago because of a panic attack, where my heart rate was at 180. I was calmed down in the ambulance as I initially believed I was having an allergic reaction to nuts. My heart calmed steadily over 10-15 minutes and so did my blood pressure.

Since then I have been googling heart problems etc. and been on alert again, now whenever I get wheezy, notice a change in heart rate or any mild pain anywhere in my body I begin to get on a mental track of panic.

I have also noticed that since I have tried to mentally be aware of my left arm, it almost feels alien to me, like it doesn't belong to me at time.

At no point in the whole of this process have I experience any form of pain in my heart, a mild pressure was present when I had my panic attack.

My grandad suffered from angina, and knowing he died pretty recently I think has got me wondering if I have heart problems, and I simply can't get this off my mind. What if I have heart problems, and so on.

I know i'm probably being silly, as the people in the ambulance would have picked up signs and symptoms of heart issues when an ambulance came out to see me.

Any advice on dealing with anxiety? getting my mind off this current issue. I seem to experience problems with different parts of my body annually around November-mid February time.

Thank you for any input.

03-01-16, 18:21
From my experience, which I'm currently battling, it's all anxiety causing the physical symptoms. I can pretty much say yes, yes, yes to all you are describing. Have been physically checked out and everything is fine but it doesn't FEEL fine.

I am currently working on believing this is the case, not doing great with it but distraction (find something to do that keeps you busy but doesn't require much concentration and try focusing solely on that task, like folding laundry or something) does seem to help. Also reminding myself that yesterday nothing happened, I didn't die or pass out so it probably won't happen today either.

03-01-16, 20:33
Hi John, I know the feeling, and feelings! It's really hard to get a handle on all this, but some things to bear in mind. First, don't be impatient for things to change before their time. They never do. Claire Weekes wrote about being over-sensitized, and for the body to continue playing tricks on you even after you've thought all the rational thoughts and done all the exercises and so on. It's the way the cookie crumbles. But all that said, you can continue plotting your course through these experiences, even the TOUGHEST physical symptoms, by adhering to the rational thinking and moving on step by step. Distraction is absolutely 100 per cent crucial, as is looking out for others, as I am doing for you right now. I have read so much about all this stuff, but one phrase which I find very comforting is the "Impartial spectator" written by an author in-fact about OCD but suffices well for anxiety too...Just for a while, stand back and observe, without judgement, without preconditions, and see how it feels. The spectator is impartial, which means not taking sides, just being there observing. It helps put some distance between you and the crisis. Good luck. Time is your friend in this not your adversary.

03-01-16, 20:37
I can safely say I'm in the same boat as you buddy!

Ive suffered with Depression/General Anxiety Disorder for 8 Years now, I'm 26 years old too.. So since my late teens!

Ive been to the ER 3 times with dull ache in my left arm, and a chest pain extremely sharp! Its actually happening now! My left side also feels numb too.. and what have they put it down to? Stress..

But I don't feel stressed? That's whats getting me. I work 40 hours a week, as a cashier, but I'm sitting down, and its not what I would call extreme pressure? I love my job too! So I cant pinpoint it... And this makes me more stressed.

Sending my thoughts pal. I'm just a message away too

04-01-16, 02:08
Its sometimes as though you understand, but there's no rationalizing with it when you hit the state of panic. When you're there you're there. And you wont escape till its over. I think with it all its not a state of constant panic, its worrying about the small things, stressing over the small things, that accumulates over the days until one evening it becomes rather overwhelming and you just hit the attack button.

Its nice to see a community where others can share their views and understanding of peoples situations. Really appreciate the time people take in care of others.

18-01-16, 18:05
I think I'm slowly getting over this. Most days in fine till the late evening. Its only when it comes to going to bed/settling down that it becomes a problem. When I don't have any more daily responsibilities and my mind is left to wander.

Clearly I need to keep myself a little more active and mentally pre occupied to fill this void, hopefully that will prove useful.