View Full Version : Terrified of cancer

03-01-16, 18:45
I'm 17 years old with HA. It's annoying.

Currently worried about oesophagus cancer, feel like I can feel my food going down when I swallow, and have an ache in my upper back (possibly posture) and I keep burping all the time. The other day I had some indigestion, took some antacids and it went for a while. All of the worrying was probably making my appetite worse.. I was worried about lymphoma and stomach cancer over Christmas, so I'm guessing HA is definitely one of the main issues.

I smoked once or twice before, but I don't smoke habitually and will never smoke again. I drink sometimes, but not too much, and generally like to keep healthy.

I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow, so hopefully it'll be cleared up, but I'm terrified that it's something bad..

Any help from anyone? :(

03-01-16, 19:44
I'm 26 and have had HA for a very long time. Like you, my main worry is cancer. I think I have ovarian cancer at the moment. I've have spotting, cramps, bloating, nausea, strange bowel habits... Deep down I know that these symptoms could be to do with my contraception and also because of my anxiety/stress but I can't convince myself it's not cancer. I worry about getting oral cancer because I have an ocd condition that makes me pick and bite at skin and I do it to the skin inside my cheeks which can cause cells to mutate which then causes cancer. I obsess about cancer every day. If I watch something that has a character that has cancer, I spend a long time afterwards thinking about how I'll cope when a dr tells me I'm terminal and only have a few months left, how I'll look when I'm on chemotherapy or when I'm finally dying... I don't know how to stop thinking and worrying. If you ever need to talk, feel free to pm me :) it makes it a little easier knowing other people feel the same

03-01-16, 20:58
You're waaaaaay too young for oesophageal cancer. I don't know if there are even any cases of anyone your age with it. Sounds like you have reflux. Stomach and burning. Your throat. I have periods where it's like that every night.

For years....and I don't have cancer (yet)

Relax...you're the healthiest you're ever going to be right now.

04-01-16, 08:24
I'm your age too, and though I don't have oesophageal cancer worries I have cancer worries in general, mainly melanoma. I grew up around two smoking parents so it terrifies me.

Your symptoms sound more like acid reflux than anything. I wouldn't worry about it and it's a really common condition. Still go to the doctor though cause there's medication for acid reflux. I had a similar thing about a year ago, went to the doctor and he gave me reflux meds, didn't work. Then I eventually forgot about it and the symptoms went away, must've been my anxiety. Could be that in your case too.