View Full Version : Noise anxiety causing panic attacks

03-01-16, 19:58
I have posted about this before but my noise anxiety is getting worse. It focuses mainly on the TV but now includes talking, people eating , doors being shut etc. I am causing arguments by turning the TV down. I am now crying a lot over this as I have no idea how to deal with it. It feels much worse than just being irritated, this is making me physically experience the symptoms of a panic attack. I start my third course of CBT in 12 weeks but until then any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.

03-01-16, 22:19
Do you think this is Misophonia? I have somewhat of an issue with that. Similar things... chewing, crunching, gum popping, certain rhythmic sounds... and especially beeping noises! OMG! :wacko: I think I've always had it but it was exasperated during treatment. If the drug lines were occluded, the machines would beep and drive me bonkers! As bad as I felt, I would get up and wheel my IV tower out of the room and walk the halls to get away from it! I never panicked but it sure did make me irritable! :mad:

It's much better now. CBT and some exposure helped but there still are times.... ~whew~ ....

Positive thoughts

03-01-16, 22:34
Might it not be anxiety? I have noise anxiety but it's mostly about neighbours etc making lots of noise....

03-01-16, 22:41
I get this too, mainly caused by noisy neighbours, or more accurately, fear that they will be noisy. Sharing a room with a snorer has also set it off before. It always makes me feel like I'm under siege. The only thing I have found that helps are Moldex spark plugs earplugs. They are designed for building sites but really help. I find just knowing I have them if needed calms me down.

04-01-16, 15:20
Thanks to each of you for replies, seems I'm not alone with this. It makes it harder when people don't share your anxieties and happily go through life slamming doors, banging cupboard doors shut and having the TV on really loud!! The neighbours one is a big issue , I feel like running away and hiding when I start to hear any sound from next door. The earphones is something I am going to invest in so thanks for the tip. I'm hoping CBT will help me cope with this but I'm not sure how it can. Thanks again.