View Full Version : Health anxiety please help

03-01-16, 20:31
Hi everyone this is my first time of joining a group quite nervous but hoping you can help me out?

Where do I start? Right since September last year I've been feeling quite on edge about health on only in my mid 20s but going back to September last year I was at a wedding fair and come over feeling all funny not dizzy but like a drunk feeling? Like I needed to sit down or I was going to fall into something I felt like everything around me was moving quite slow. It terrified me my husband took me home. When my mum and dad got home they wanted me to go a&e but I'm so frightened of hospitals I put it off until the morning still this feeling hadn't gone away. I went to a&e had blood test all came back fine they said it may have been a viral infection and could take 3 weeks to go. It lasted 4 days this drunk feeling like I was on a boat. I then got exactly the same thing out of nowhere when I was in work in January for yet again another 4 to 5 days (surely this couldn't be another viral infection as I felt fine) I am terrible for using Google to self diagnose myself which if I'm being honest I probably wouldn't be in the state I'm in now. I thought this is a brain tumour I was so scared, but whilst googling found out I had pretty much every symptom of labyrinthitis so went to the doctors next day and asked him, he said yes could be? (Well that was helpful) but I suppose being your inner ear he can't be 100% sure. October this year me and my husband went on our honeymoon we did a lot flying 4 flights in total all around 6 to 7 hours a time. I came back a few days later I woke up and noticed my right ear wasn't quite right sounded blocked up with a slight tintus but not constant. Went to the doctors again he said I might have a slight bit of glue ear ( something babies or young children normally get) so I did what the doctor told me to chew gum steam and take a nasel spray. Gum didn't help but nasel spray did but only for a few days then it come back worse than before. So I went back he looked in my ears said they were clear then decided to refer me to the ent unit. I couldn't get an appointment for 3 months. All this time waiting I have been convinced still that I have a brain tumour. Went back to work And my ear popped then I came over feeling all giddy and funny I was so frightened kept saying its a tumour it's a tumour. After about 3 weeks I started to feel back to my old self again. Then unfortunately from November it all went down hill. I lost a friend/colleague at work he was so young 28 with 2 young children had a serious stroke and a brain hemorrhage we were all in such a state of shock he was so young and there was nothing wrong with him he left work on the Thursday as normal then that was it. I haven't really started thinking about what happened especially what's been going through my mind. Beginning of December I was just sitting on the sofa then out of the blue came over all funny but this wasn't like last time it wasn't a drunk feeling or like being on a boat. This was a feeling of my being frightened I felt giddy shakey cold then hot having palpitations twitching feeling like I was going to pass out. I stayed at my mum and dads that night. Every time I tried to fall asleep it felt like I was going to go unconcious. So then I'd quickly open my eyes I couldn't sleep for ages and am still going through this now. I went to the doctors (again) he said I'm suffering from severe anxiety he wanted to put me on tablets which I did try but they just made me 10 times worse where I ended up in a&e thinking I'm having a heart attack. I said to my gp I feel I need to have an mri scan he said I don't think ent will give me one. Well he was wrong I had my ent appointment on the 23rd December went there feeling quite calm told the doctor my symptoms and did mention that a couple of times I've had from what I can describe as some sensation/maybe numbness in my cheeks and under my right eye. She was a little concerned as I'm young so said she wanted to give me an mri on my brain and my inner ear she said she thinks it will come back clear but just to be sure. I know I wanted an mri scan but a lot of people have said cause my symptoms are not severe I won't get one, so as you can imagine I was concerned and shocked when she said she was sending me for one. I have a few strange feelings/sensations going on in my head and face no pain though. I'm currently waiting for the date of my mri scan now which is making my anxiety worse. Since then I've been back to the doctors and explained to him I've been twitching and jerking a lot especially if I'm watching telly looking on my phone and trying to fall asleep. I think I started noticing this from October which is when I'd say this health anxiety started. I've mentioned the twitching and jerking to the gp a few times and he didn't seem concerned. Now all of sudden he is? Asking me such questions like how long do they last?when did they start ?when do they happen? He did some reflex test on me and also brain test looked in my mouth had to touch my index finger with my nose etc. he said he wants to send me to a nerve specialist (wow want expecting that) starting to get a little bit panicky now. Mri? Nerve specialist? And a girl that has severe health anxiety. I'm now not only thinking I've got a brain tumour I'm also thinking now I have MS? I worry from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed. I can just be sitting on the sofa and just feel giddy or like I'm going to faint. Gp still thinks this is all anxiety but he just want to eliminate things! Eliminate what things? I'm going out of my mind with worry I don't want to be on my own either. I seem to be noticing the twitching more and more. I haven't had headaches or been sick.

Really sorry for the mega long post as I say I'm new to all of this including serve anxiety.

Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. Is there anyone out there who has these symptoms is it all due to anxiety? Please help

Thanks again x