View Full Version : Constant throat clearing

04-01-16, 05:50
I'm really fed up of myself now. Having reassured myself about recent stomach problems, I started to have what I thought were globus symptoms a few weeks ago.

I generally have no trouble eating but have noticed a feeling that saliva/phlegm (sorry) is pooling in the back if my throat when i swallow . This has led my to me constantly clearing my throat to get rid of it. But it's like a vicious circle - the more I clear it, the worse it gets.

Yesterday, after eating some chocolate it seemed to get much worse and I was clearing my throat constantly all day.
Usually the feeling doesn't bother me when I sleep, so last night after starting to cough a little with it, I went to bed early.

However, I've been waking constantly with the coughing and no my throat seems a little sore. I feel like I want to be sick just to get rid of the feeling and my voice has gone hoarse.

I'm just sick and tired of being worried. I feel drained and at the end of my tether with it all.

04-01-16, 06:43
I feel for you I know you're aware of my issues I've been awake since five just laid worrying and now have to go to work don't know how I'm gonna get through the day you're right it's draining hope your day gets better

04-01-16, 06:55
Hi smogie, same here. Awake early and worrying.

What I cant understand is why I can't take my own advice . As soon as my symptoms change a little, my common sense goes out of the window and a go into a blind panic.

Perhaps it's a good thing you have to go to work - it may take your mind off things? This sometimes works for me.
Its my day off today so will busy myself with the housework and then off for a hair appointment later this morning.

Try to have a good day and PM me if you think it will help :hugs:

04-01-16, 07:44
Chocolate seems to affect me in this way too.

Is it possible to just ignore the Globus symptoms?

04-01-16, 08:19
I think it probably is Urusainaa. I've been busy on and off this mornings and symptoms have reduced dramatically! So now I just feel stupid

Now, when they come back, and they definitely WILL come back, I will go into full-on panic mode again and forget all my common sense. Surely, if symptoms come and go like that, they can't be sinister, can they?

The chocolate did seem to make it worse though, as did the panicky feeling on Saturday when I swallowed a lump of crusty bread without chewing properly and it got stuck and was very painful. I remember thinking at the time that this would set me off, and it did.:doh:

04-01-16, 09:13
Have you tried just kinda accepting the symptoms instead of fearing them.

'Oh, looks like my anxiety is back again' instead of 'this is probably going to be throat cancer!'

04-01-16, 11:11
I know exactly how you feel. I have had throat clearing for 8 weeks. But it comes and goes but now my throat clicks sometimes near my Adam's apple which I think is a sign of me constantly tensing throat and neck and always being focused on my swallowing. I know have a cold with a sore throat so at least I have an excuse with the throat clearing lol. I'm looking at your post and saying you are obsessing over this and it's anxiety but like you unfortunately I can't take my own advice

04-01-16, 16:11
Urusainaa, I have tried that strategy - it works sometimes but at other times not. It's when there is a variation in the symptoms I've had previously or they go on any length of time. Also, if I can't find someone who has the EXACT same symptoms, (to the letter) then I think the worst.

DaveCH, I seem to be developing a cold too - I'm a bit shivery, my glands hurt a little and I think the tickly cough I had last night must have been the start of it.

Normal people would recognise the symptoms for what they are but because I had the swallowing/throat clearing thing just before, the cold symptoms took on a sinister meaning.

Feeling a bit better now I know I've got something harmless. It helps to write it down on he
re and even better when people take the time to post some reassuring advice - so thanks so much for doing it.

04-01-16, 16:37
Distraction definitely helps work was hard but it did take my mind away from myself and I was a lot calmer by the end of the shift mornings are the worse been advised to do some relaxation breathing before I even get out of bed but your all right anxiety is the bloody pits x

---------- Post added at 16:37 ---------- Previous post was at 16:35 ----------

Also pigeon I am very good at giving other people good sound advice but logic for me flies out the window x

04-01-16, 16:47
Pigeon my symptoms are exactly the same as yours so I think we should both take comfort in that

04-01-16, 18:47
Have you tried taking a decongestant/expectorant or an allergy medicine to see how it helps?