View Full Version : Diarrhea with blood - HA's back!

04-01-16, 06:57
I've had my HA pretty much under control for the last year but maybe this is because I haven't had any symptoms to bother me and have had other issues to deal with (aged mother that has had to move into a care home because of dementia, renting out her home oh and that little thing, the menopause, which although is in itself a health issue, I know isn't going to kill me). my Mum always used to say I didn't have any real problems which is why I worried over imagined ones.

Anyway the day before yesterday I woke up with a tummy ache and had an episode of diarreah and when i looked into the bowl and wiped there was bright red blood, not just a smear. It happened again later that day, again after diarreah.

I went to the loo yesterday morning but was too scared to look and am now convinced I have bowel or stomach cancer. I so thought I was over all this but now it's back worse than ever and am far too scared to go to a doctor.

Has anyone else experienced this?

04-01-16, 07:12
Hi Diva
Yes, I have and can relate to everything you said about a parent with dementia and getting through the menopause! :bighug1:

Last year, I had lots of IBS type symptoms and one episode of bleeding. Pretty certain it was piles that caused it or small tear

If you read all the posts on here, you will see that bright red blood is not usually a sign of anything sinister and that piles can bleed heavily and seem very frightening.

I think the menopause makes us feel a bit anxious so our HA ges worse and you panic easily. Why not go to see your GP to get help with this and get your recent symptoms checked out at the same time?


04-01-16, 12:59
Hi Diva

Im sorry your HA is back... mine kicked in with a vengeance on Christmas day and I was adamant that I had mouth cancer.. completely freaked!!!

any way My sister has colon cancer and as a result of that I was sent for a colonoscopy.. before the test I had experienced a number of occasions when I passed a lot of bright red blood mixed in with stools/diarea. the Colonoscopy came back clear but showed haemorrhoids which was the reason for the bleeding.

I like every one else on hear have done a huge amount of research into bowel/colon/stomach cancer and what I have learnt is this.. Bright red blood is 99% of the time nothing to worry about.. dark sticky brown black blood is normally more serious.

the only way to rest your mind is to see you GP.

take care

04-01-16, 20:21
Thanks for your replies.

Lottie - do you mind me asking, If they are internal, is it possible to have piles without any pain or discomfort?


04-01-16, 20:40
The answer to your question about internal piles being painless is yes - it was in my case, when I was a teenager. And it frightened the cr*p out of me (no pun intended) when it happened.

From Patient.info:

Internal piles are usually painless because the upper anal canal has no pain nerve fibres.I was given some paraffin emulsion to take (vile, vaguely lemony stuff but hey, it was the 1970s!) and eventually they cleared up.

04-01-16, 21:33
I had the same thing. It turns out I had hemorrhoids myself. Even when I went on long walks shortly after I went to the restroom they would bleed. What I did was buy the big tub of metamucil and have that once a day. After one day the blood stopped. I didn't believe this would work since I bled everyday. Now I'm 2 months blood free. :)