View Full Version : Developing agoraphobia, I never knew!

23-02-07, 07:52
In recent months I have not found it difficult to leave the house, not physically, but I have found it difficult to leave the house alone, or without my mobile and I have found it very scary to be left in the house alone or out on my own over a long period.

I always thought with agoraphobia your couldn't leave the house, but after reading the article on it on NMP, I see I clearly do seem to have developed some form of agoraphobia.

I am trying to break the habit I've got in to, but I'm still doing some crazy stuff I don't want to say here to give me a comfort blanket.

Has anyone else got this form of agoraphobia?

23-02-07, 08:05
yes when i had my first panic attack i was 12 yrs old and back then in the 60s panic attack were not heard off we had a out side loo and my mum would have to go there with me once i had the attack but then next day i would go on my own but the days i had the attacks u would not get me out teh door as time went by i learned to live with it but in my 20s after haveing my daughter i became more anxious found my self not wanting to be home alone or go out on my own if my sister came for me i would walk to her house and the corner shopand to be honest i have pretty muh stayed that way always had to be with some one but these past 7yrs i have been at my worse i aviod going any were if i can help it as no matter were i go i feel very anxious and want to be home i realy make alot of exscuses for myself for not going out even though my whole family no how i am i even make things up aas to why i dont want to goi find i can go a ride to the local shop with my daughter who is 30yr old but never enjoy goin in the shop but i go more when its dark i hate morning as i wake up anxuois as i wonder how i am going to be today sorry for going on bet u wished u never asked lol bye for now trish xx ps dont let it get to u even if yr going out with someone keep doing it

23-02-07, 12:24
yes i have.. im the same as you.. pretty much fine going somewhere with my boyfriend or mum (as long as i have my phone) but can't really leave the house on my own.. strange isn't it.. there's some good success stories on here though, its seems it can be overcome, good luck, check out



23-02-07, 15:22
I'm ok going out if im with someone but cant go out at all alone i cant be alone in the house have to have someone with me at all times if not i panic

23-02-07, 16:45
Ihave been agoraphobic for 20 years, I go out with my daughter like Trish but never go anywhere on my own. When I have a really good day, I always suffer for it the next day with exhaustion which really gets me down

23-02-07, 20:51
hi russ
ive been agoraphobic for 20 + years, like everyone else i never go anywhere on my own, i have had monophobia (fear of being left on your own) many years ago when my anxiety was really bad, i managed to get over that, untill we moved house in december 06, where it came from i dont know but i was scared to be left even for 2 minutes, its took 3 months for me to come back to the house in the day and feel ok with it as yet i havent conquered the morning, as when my hubby goes to work i leave the house to go to my moms, i know i will do it eventually it just takes time and patience, i dont worry about it any more, ive even managed to get myself a part-time job cleaning its 2 hours a day, i still get anxious about going im always thinking what if there not there when i get there, but then thats highly unlikely when the job is at a pub, im hoping my confidence will go up as i find that thats the main problem with me i dont believe in myself enough, sorry to have gone on a bit :rolleyes:

take care

denise :D

23-02-07, 21:01

What you've described is very very common and as you alluded to it creeps up on us.

Bit by bit we put strategies into place that we think will help make us feel safer, whereas in reality all we are doing is limiting ourselves more and more and reducing our independence.

Don't you worry about your crazy things - many of us have had really wierd coping techniques that we used and that helped, until we realized that in fact they were the things holding us back from the independent life we crave.

The way forward is to slowly reverse these 'safety' measures one by one and prove to yourself that you can manage your anxieties in a far more healthy and productive way.

Read up all the stories of success on here as to how others have made those breaks for inspiration.

23-02-07, 21:08
Thanks for the help all,

In recent weeks I have taken to carrying a load of pills in my wallet INCASE something happens. Bizarre I know!

23-02-07, 21:18
Not in the least bizarre- think you'll find many of us have done that.

I think I had enough meds on me at any time to dose a squadron for anything and as for when I first travelled post anxiety- I also carried enough kit and meds to do a small operation.

I smile now , but I was deadly serious with all my quirks at the time.

24-02-07, 13:09
Yes, i have a similar degree of agoraphobia. I used to think it was a fear of open spaces like many people but when I first developed panic attacks I started to avoid the places I thought made me have them, and so developed a fear of the place itself- agoraphobia.

I'm not housebound either but find going anywhere difficult, and haven't been to a supermarket or cinema etc. in ages! I think the best thing to do is make sure you keep doing what you can and push the boundaries slightly when you feel up to it.

Lucy -x-

24-02-07, 13:32
Hi - I had agrophobia 22 years ago and have had 20 good years in between although I hardly ever go to cinema, theatre,restaurants and I keep looking for the exit and want to get out - I force myself to do some of these things but really hyperventilate and get all hot and dizzy and breathless so its never enjoyed and my poor husband puts up with it. I go into supermarkets and shops but always pick at empty till and pay cash if it looks like it will be a long wait standing at the till. Silly I know but its so frustrating! Wenjoy x

25-02-07, 09:35
Hi there..
I've had all degrees of agoraphobia. I was housebound for 2 years, couldn't even answer the door OR at one point get upstairs in my house. During that time i also suffered monophobia. I could NOT be left alone at all. My now ex would go to work and i would call him because i was panicking and he'd come home again!

I now can go to a local shop (less than a mile) in my car and i can just about manage to collect my son from school (3 minute walk). I'm okay going pretty much anywhere with my mum (although being out in the dark sometimes proves a problem.

I use to have to go everywhere with a drink and gum. Just lately the drink hasn't been a necessity. I take my phone, for what reason i don't know 'cause i never have credit!!!!!

Sarah x