View Full Version : Am I alone with this?

04-01-16, 10:11
For the past few nights I have been feeling my pulse all around my body like more than I would ever before.

It's worse at night when the back of my head is against the pillow I feel my pulse on the surface of my head, it's very distracting when trying to sleep. Has anyone else been sensitive to their pulse?

04-01-16, 21:54
Very common I believe. I used to do this.

04-01-16, 22:04
Yes, I've had it but it was more in my ears when on the pillow. As I started to recover, it went and has never come back. I believe it's a sensitisation issue, like many other symptoms e.g. sensitivity to bright light.

Just keep working on things and it may go.

04-01-16, 22:54
Anxiety makes you extra sensitive. That's also what causes palpitations I think.

06-01-16, 14:36
I also hear it as well when my head is against a pillow or at work when I have ear plugs in

Anxious Pete
06-01-16, 15:23
I had some palps last night in bed, sure sign of anxiety levels building.

06-01-16, 15:36
Yes, I've had this, I tend to feel it in my neck, like I can actually feel the veins (or arteries? Not sure which is which) in my neck pulsating as the blood flows. I think it's pretty normal in a panicky anxious state.

06-01-16, 16:44
I've had it too, sometimes in my ears and sometimes in my neck.

06-01-16, 16:58
I've had that pretty bad too when I was restricting salt intake.

06-01-16, 17:46
It's reassuring to know I'm not alone with this especially when I can hear it. I already have some form of tinnitus and I really don't want them to merge into pulsetile tinnitus. I've only had ringing in my ears for around 2 months.

06-01-16, 18:05
I certainly have this when I am anxious and trying to rest. Heart feels like it is BOOMING but it's not fast. I also get the feeling of my heart beating through my head on the pillow. I'm reassured by all these responses that it's nothing unusual!