View Full Version : Does anyone else have quick moments of relief?

04-01-16, 14:50
I've been noticing this more frequently but I've had times where I'm worrying about my health(mainly mental health) and I just sit back and tell myself "I can't believe I worry about all this stuff when it makes no sense?" The relief onot last about 10 minuts but it feels good while it last lol. I was curious of anyone else had moments like that.

04-01-16, 15:16
brief moments where I go back to being me. I always think that my adrenal gland has ran out of adrenalin.

04-01-16, 15:56
I've started writing thoughts like yours down.

Write your sentence down on a large piece of paper, in big letters and put it where you can see it, even take it to bed with you and look at it before you go to sleep and when you wake.

04-01-16, 18:02
I have these a lot. They occur more often if I have a good night's sleep. They are good moments of clarity and I'm grateful that they happen.