View Full Version : Eye issue

04-01-16, 17:07
I've had this issue with my eyes when I look down at object that have light I see beams carry off the object for example a cell phone or TV, but when I pull eyes open with fingers it goes away. I have noticed both eyes look to have a layer of water on bottom eye lid and when I pull eye lid down vision goes perfect. Nothing is blurry and no double vision. It just came randomly in both eyes. Could both tear ducts be blocked? . No one is sure what it could be and some people don't believe me. My eyes have been watery for all this time it's been happening

05-01-16, 18:05
Your not me are you???

I got a very similar issue started around 2 weeks ago, I see beams/streaks/starbursts off lights/tv/phone and if i hold eye lids open it also helps this. Ive been checked 2 times by eye A+E and nothing has been found.

Mine came on after a virus I was run down with and both eyes were very itchy and irritable.

06-01-16, 08:27
It's only when my eyes are looking down like pupils are down, when I look straight on its fine. The weird thing is if I look straight on and push my cheeks up I see the beams, so I like its a eyelid problem. When I pull them down its perfect. I have had nasal problem for months now maybe could be related to us :wacko::wacko:

06-01-16, 12:39
It's only when my eyes are looking down like pupils are down, when I look straight on its fine. The weird thing is if I look straight on and push my cheeks up I see the beams, so I like its a eyelid problem. When I pull them down its perfect. I have had nasal problem for months now maybe could be related to us :wacko::wacko:

I can almost picture you self checking and doing this... Since these are not common behaviors to be doing on a regular basis, how is this an issue? Granted we look down but never really forcibly down as far as we can nor do we walk around pushing our cheeks up. Point being, if we do things to our bodies that we don't normally do, there's bound to be a reaction. And yes, nasal problems can cause additional pressure which could possibly be contributing.

Positive thoughts

06-01-16, 21:17
It's when I look at my phone screen just change the angle I little but I see it, it's not looking right down its when I just look down the tiniest a it a normal everyday thing

06-01-16, 22:57
It's when I look at my phone screen just change the angle I little but I see it, it's not looking right down its when I just look down the tiniest a it a normal everyday thing

Don't know if its an everyday thing, if I hold my phone at an angle i see beam off the top and bottom, move eyelid and the beam goes away.

07-01-16, 02:32
Same thing as me except I see them only come off the top and when I open my eyes with fingers they go away too

07-01-16, 16:49
I fear it's a brain tumour or something because it happened suddenly

14-01-16, 03:21
Anyone help me still happening

14-01-16, 03:34
Have you had your eyes tested? Just wondering as it sounds like astigmatism to me. I have this - lights always have a starry appearance. I got glasses to correct it.

14-01-16, 06:00
No not for a few years, it happened out of no where in both eyes one day and hasn't gone away, what does starry mean.

14-01-16, 08:04
Starry is when you look at a light it has rays coming off it, like a traffic light. That's when I noticed an issue. I just hoped it may be the same with you and then nothing to worry about!

That said, despite having eye tests and vision correction I still often feel I can't see very well, hard to explain in what way, I expect it is due to the anxiety and the meds

14-01-16, 08:34
Yes that's what happens to me as well as like TV and cellphones at certain Angles, but when I pull eyelids down its perfect, or any light source, my vision is clear though nothing is blurry or doubled

16-01-16, 02:49
It's only the bottom half of both eyes you can see where it ends with light source and its same in both

16-01-16, 03:22
With respect, how is this sinister in any way shape or form? If I purposely look at items at odd angles or in certain lighting I see some things that are off but our eyes aren't meant to look at things that way anyway so...??

You've gone from lymphoma to your eyes to lymphoma to brain tumors to your eyes again in three months. You're still here and probably healthier than most people your age. You're just extremely hyper focused on normal bodily sensations IMO. Is there any scientific medical evidence to back up your fears?

Positive thoughts

16-01-16, 05:32
It's everyday thing not like I'm trying to make it happen. It's hard to even watch tv at night because of it.

09-02-16, 18:35
Now I'm started seeing double imagines with my iPhone and car headlights, very concerned about brain Tumor now, it's only light objects