View Full Version : a scared newbie

23-02-07, 10:21
Hi everybody, a bit of background i'm a 35 year old married guy with 2 girls aged 8 and 10.
The end of last year had real bad depression, have had a couple of smaller episodes in the past, but felt really awful this time round. The stress of it all got so bad that at xmas i started having seizures, fortunately not epilepsy as suspected.

I'm now on the waiting for list for CBT, have seen a psychiatric social worker once, and will see again in a few weeks. The thing is now I'm looking through some help material he gave me, I'm finally realising that it's anxiety that is the real problem and has been for years. I know I shouldn't be going over and over things, but it has had a real effect on my life, making me do things I shouldn't have done and not do things I should have done. I suppose most people that know me, would just say I'm shy but I wish it was that simple. I'm trying not to worry about the past, but I'm scared what the future holds and whether I'll ever get over these feelings, and start to live a normal life.

Anyway I'll stop babbling now and thanks for listening, steve

23-02-07, 11:32
Hi Steve

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here. Please feel free to ask any questions you want to.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice.

23-02-07, 11:55

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

23-02-07, 12:53
Hi Steve, Its hard living with anxiety but you can help yourself in many ways to stop your mind rushing away with you. You mentioned the past and the future as a worry , have you heard about mindfulness ? I recommend it for anxiety and troublesome thoughts and the people on here are fantastic for any support needed.
Glad you found us,take care.

23-02-07, 13:25
Hi Steve,

Welcome to the site , you'll get great support here.

Take care

shirley xx

23-02-07, 14:50
Hi Steve,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

23-02-07, 16:13
Elo Steve,

Welcome to the site.great support n advice here..glad to have ya on board x

23-02-07, 16:23
welcome you will meet some some nice people on here, i have had so much help i am so pleased that i found this site

amanda xx